HRCP organized consultative session to discuss suicide prevention strategies

Gilgit: Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) Gilgit office conducted a consultative session on rising incidence of suicide in Ghizer on 30th July 2022 in Ghakuch Ghizer. The session was attended by 30 stake holders including Govt. officials, heads of relevant Govt. departments, representatives of civil society organizations, educational institutions, CBOs, psychiatrists, Youth led organizations, health care providers, human rights and women rights organizations.
Participants discussed prevention strategies regarding increasing ratio of suicides in Ghizer. They also discussed the role of stake holders as gatekeepers in prevention strategies. Participants demanded to establish a psychiatry hospital, peace home for survivors of domestic violence, treatment and rehabilitation center for drug edicts, training for gatekeepers including physical health care providers, teachers, police, community leaders, parents and other stake holders in Ghizer, so that they would play their role as gatekeepers.
Participants unanimously agreed upon formation of a working group of stake holders in Ghizer for preparation of action plan for intervention at grass roots level. Participants lamented that the fact-finding committee on suicides in Ghizer constituted GB Govt. has not meet in last one and half months while the committee had to submit its report within two weeks.
Participants thanked Mr. Israruddin Israr regional coordinator HRCP GB and HRCP team for providing the opportunity to local stake holders for discussion on the burning issue of Ghizer.