HGISF and GISAK discuss opportunities for collaboration

Karachi, April 27, 2014: The Cabinet and Advisory members of Hunza Gilgit Ismaili Students Federation (HGISF) met with Gojal Ismaili Students Association Karachi (GISAK) here in Garden Darkhana Jamat Khana Karachi. Senior leadership of both the organizations participated in the said meeting and discussed areas of mutual interest to strengthening each other through coordinated efforts.
During the meeting it was appreciated that federation has representation from all regions of Hunza and Gilgit. Nevertheless, it was requested by GISAK to officialize representation from upper Hunza through GISAK as their new Cabinet has taken responsibilities from this month and same was assured by HGISF to achieve their shared goals in the years ahead. In this regard, it has been discussed and agreed upon that HGISF will send a formal letter to channelize nomination of existing two members from upper Hunza and same will be endorsed by GISAK by next Sunday.
It is befitting to note it here that GISAK is a federation of student organizations from upper Hunza having special focus on educational activities while HGISF is the federation of student organizations and village organizations from Hunza and Gilgit region mainly based here in Karachi or villages and town in Hunza and Gilgit region of Pakistan.
Currently, GISAK has been reactive after appointment of new Cabinet while HGISF is already active organization having an active Cabinet body and Advisory Board comprising young Doctors, Engineers, Social development practitioners, bankers and brillinet students from all parts of Hunza and Gilgit region based here in Karachi.
HGISF is working on holistic development of all its members though different projects and programs. It is worth noting that first time senior leadership of both the organizations sit together and reiterated their commitment to work together to achieve their shared goals in the days to come as both the organizations believe that it is high time to strengthen mutual understanding and working relations through coordinated efforts and collaboration in achieving our shared goals in Pakistan.