Gilgit - BaltistanPakistan

Thousands march in Aliabad Hunza for additional seat


PT Report (Photographs by Zulfiqar Ali Khan)

Aliabad, September 9: Over two thousand people from all parts of Hunza participated in a mamoth public rally called by All Hunza Action Committee. The rally was organized to demand additional seat for Hunza valley in the Gilgit – Baltistan Legislative Assembly.

Holding banners and placards, chanting slogans,  the participants blasted successive governments for ignoring longstanding demands of the people of Hunza Valley for proportionate representation. Speakers said that such protests and rallies would be held continuously till the the demand for additional seat is accepted and notified.




A large number of leaders and activists addressed the rally, highlighting various issues faced by people of the region due to lack of appropriate representation in the elected assembly. Prominent among the speakers were Mir Baz Khan, Advocate Ahsan Ali (Pakistan Labor Party), Ghulam Muhammad (PPP), Aman Ullah Khan ( Bolor Thinkers Forum), Noor Mohammad, Baba Jan (PYF), Eman Shah (PML – Q), Fida Karim, Haider Tai (PML – N), Ali Qurban, Alam Jan, Attiqa Ghazanfar and others.

It was after a long time that people from all segments of the society, representing a spectrum of thoughts and aspirations saised a strong and unanimous voice for Hunza.

The prime minister of Pakistan is visiting Gilgit – Baltistan on 12th September, and it is being expected that formation of the Hunza – Nagar DSC03330district will also be announced during this visit. There is a general feeling in Hunza that formation of the new district without increasing representation in the legislative assembly would be a futile and frustrating exercces, which could heat up public opinion in the region.

Coming out of an unusually high number of people for a political cause in Hunza valley is being seen as a sign of flaring public sentiments. People from Gojal (Upper Hunza), Kanjut (Central Hunza) and Shinaki (Lower Hunza) participated in the rally to express solidarity and unanimity for the cause.  



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  1. it is indeed very great to know that people of hunza have now come out for their legal rights. i hope it will at least put some pressure on the government. one thing is evident that if government intends, it can allocate seat through an executive order – as done in the case of recent package.
    important thing in this regard is that, this effort should continue till the demands are met, specially when PM is in GB.
    if this effort continues the demands of seat will be meet..

  2. First step towards recognition and getting out of Blue Politics (politics that revolves around a center controlled by family and friends) home cooked politics. Hunza is way back, in understanding the real human rights; actually we have been used by most of the time utilized by different NGOs for their products and slogan.
    More this word Peace always shocks me the land of Hunza and its related areas have been peaceful though out the history. When at anyplace people or moments it is stated that people are peaceful it seems to me that they are all mocking at us.
    Every thing has limits so is with Peace, the people of the area have been under many monarch they were peaceful, never spoke on any matter, next the government took most of their land and gave it to the Chinese government, as gift, no voice, a huge part of land was taken over by the government and claimed as KNP, and Dusia Park, no voice. Have till the day any proper education, health or social services, no voice,
    What is this is Peaces or Oppression by fear, or negligence of the Humanity.
    In what manners we were busy, what we want , if like this what will happen to us.

  3. “A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step”

    great job,,…………………keep it up…………….

  4. now its time go beyond specification for pertaining our rights ….very well done our hunzuktzzzzzzzz….

  5. This can be a beginning of a movement to win our due rights and it should be an eye opener for those who have played the divide and rule game for a long time.

    Keep the spirits up

  6. Unity is strength certainly only joint efforts will bring effective results.
    It is not the end it is the begining and our public started its jouney towards………………………………..and our main goal should be getting representations of our representatives in the National Assembly as still they have kept our particuler demand under the carpet.

    Ali Masud

  7. Dear readers of PT,
    It is really a sound step towards the resolution of a crutial matter which remained less focused.
    The people of Hunza having the largest territory in the entire Gilgit-Baltistan have remained deprived of the basic rights.
    Nobody has ever realized the administrative problems being faced by the people of the region especially Chipurson and Shimshal who are totally at distant locations from the main stream.
    The geopolitical location of the territory is also an important matter to be considered.
    The current constructive activities of China are also more concentrated in Hunza and most of the chinese involved in the construction of bridges and road are settled in the region.It is going to play a crutial role in the years ahead especially with reference to the Pak-China bilateral relationship and their various coordinated developmental projects.

    I hope that Hunza will be given an additional seat keeping their merits and eligibility in mind.


    Aslam Ghalib
    Kabul, Afghanistan

  8. ‘ wait till how long …..? its time now to be unite and raise voice for our rights…..indeed an excelent move……keep it up…

  9. Bold and democratic step ahead – for united Hunza. Together we can make difference to attain our objectives. We have to develop and support our own political aptitude & attitude and not to copy southern apolitical attitude.

  10. Dear PT readers!
    This is the time to be unite and prove our strength and leadership qualities to our Political leaders, so far what was been done in shape of Peace full ralies and demonstaration it seems that Govt will accept our right demands soon.any how we all can say Great effort towards the real political change.
    Great Job,,,,,,,,,,,,Plz keep it Up…..Salam Hunzkuzh..

    Rahmat Karim
    Dubai UAE.

  11. Dear all readers,

    Think for a second, use you’re rational and see the geographical map of Hunza. I think not Pakistan especially Hunza located on the boarder of China and Russia (well establish economies of the world) and the road which passes through Hunza is the gate way through which a huge quantity of goods are exported and imported. The road should be part of our pressure strategy.

  12. kaco first of all i pay appreciation and tributes for your good job and want to opposed that instead of protesting and demonstration, the leaders of hunza should concern with supper- me court of Pakistan and submit case against injustice with the people of hunza. This is the way to snatch our right

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