
Shimshali & Nagri Yaks proposed for Switzerland

By Zulfiqar Ali Khan (Germany)

According to a Swiss newspaper Tag Blatt,Syed Mujahid Ali Shah from the Northern Areas has presented the Yak of Shimshaal and Hisper villages in the Karakuram region as potential animal for the Swiss Alpine region to provide benefit to the local farmers.  In this regard he has  gone through a series of discussions with the farmers ,NGOs and local government officials in a park region  called Parc-Ela in Graubünden,Switzerland. The Yak may live in the Alpine region very well because the Alpine mountains offer ideal hilly grasslands for Yaks .the farmers are convinced that it is a beneficial animal for meat as well as tourism purposes in this region.

While the farmers in this Park region are seeking to nurture the unique and attractive flora and fauna from all over the world. The sweet Apricots of Hunza and Nagar have also been discussed to be introduced in the new season in 2008 while this park has successfully introduced Lamas from South America in 2006 which have been rated as great source of attraction for tourists in this region.

Click to view details about Mujahid Ali Shah in Switzerland http://www.parc-ela.ch/seiten/set_home.shtml

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  1. dear mujahid,
    it is really appriciated and i congratulat you on this aimful and historica discussion with swiss new paper and also with their representitives, to advertise this beautifull animel which is call in shimshal thilo shave,.this is a good fortun for all to expolore and introduce these kind of ads internationally.
    best of luck and keep it up as you can

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