Noor Muhammad wins “Outstanding Delegate Award”

(L-R) Usman Ansari, Reema Dada (Winner), Mrs. Azra Maqsood (Deputy Director SZABIST), Hussain Hassanali (Winner), Zara and Noor Muhammad (Winner). SZABIST won three outstanding delegate awards in three different committees.
Details at SZABIST official website:
Beijing, March 19: Noor Muhammad has won the “Outstanding Delegate Award” from among 54 participants of different universities of the world at the Asian International Model United Nations, held in Beijing. He is representing Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and technology (SZABIST) Karachi.
Noor Muhammad was participating as a delegate of the Netherlands in the committee called ESCAP (Economic and Social Committee for Asia and the Pacific). There were 54 member states in the committee. Five delegates were selected for the “Outstanding Delegatges”. The criteria for selection included scholastic articulation of social and economic issues pertaining to the region and presentaiton of working papers and resolutions that offered viable solutions in this regard.
The team of Pamir Times congratulates him for the outstanding performance at International level.
Noor i am very happy to know that you have won the contest among 54 students and congrate on your achivement every young student must follow him and this is an example for new genration….welldone…
Well done Noor. Keep it up!
Congratulations Noor!! for winning the distinction in China. I think it is the recognition of your talent and hard work, and you have inspired many youngsters to follow your foot steps. Keep it up
congratulation noor for winning the award in china .it’s a proudfull moment for the entire community nd the region well done young man ..
Congratulation NOOR ! for getting the outstanding delegates award in china .it’s a proudfull moment for me nd th entire community .so keep it up well done again….
This is a great honor for us that a young star among of us has won an International award.Congrates Noor for your big achivement, hope fully our youth and youg stars will follow you!
we are really proude of you! Brovo
Accept heartiest felicitation & congratulation on behalf of ME & MY family members on, your this marvillious and meritocratic achieventment.
This will be an example and pave path or camber stone for the YOUTH OF NAs and HUNZA.
With a lot of such Successes in Life. Special congrats also to the team of & Pamir-Time
great man,i had congretulated u through orkut and once again on this plateform i congretulate you.
keep it up!
Well done Noor .it’s a proud full moment for all of us that our young generations are participating in such events.
Its great Honour for North Pakistan specially Gojal .
I congratulate you and your parents and wish you all the best and alot of success in your life
great man has don great job,we are proud of your performance in bejing amoung 54 participants.(conguratulations )keep it up.
Great lup yor
congrats. you really made us proud.
Dear Noor Mohd
Congratulation its great honour for us.keep it up.
God bless you and wish you all the best and alot of success in you life.
Dear Noor Well Done… You are a great ambassador and a dazzling jewel in the crown of Gojal. We are proud of you our great star….. Congratulations to you and your family
Congrats Zaqyor!
You have made all of us proud. I am sure you have shown a new path for the young generation to follow.
We are more fortunate there have been people in our small society in every time who have inspired the then existing as well as the coming generation with their good deeds and achievements in every field of life, especially, in education. We were used to hearing about our elders succeeding in qualifying in the filed of medicine, engg, commerce, army, IT, getting scholarships, university degrees or good jobs, which were not just news but inspiration and fuel for the society to move.
Zaqyor! You have invented a new model of engine for our young generation to use. Again many many congratulations to you, your institution (SZABIST), your family, and all people of Hunza.
Noor, cheers!
Remember keeping up this tradition is more important… lots of best wishes and prayers for such distinctions…. and of course many many milestones ahead…
dear loopyor,
you have got a marvalus opportunity to express yourself to us. This is only the initiative i wish that you will reach the apogee [pinnicle] of your distinition.Realy dear CHA RAHA HO.
As far as this site [] is concerned really its bombastic…
At last i am congractulating you for your success in China.Wish you best of luck. YAM!
Congratulations to you and your family on getting the marvelous award in China. May Mowla give you the strength to be an exemplary and shine youth for your nation and for the Gojali youths especially.
Nuroz Mubarak to you with your special award as well.
Shamim Ali
Mr. Noor,
Its great to learn about such positive developments. keep it up.
I would suggest that Noor should organize may be series of presentations on this specific work so that most of our young people could benifit from his work.
best wishes
Great Exceedership Exhibition Keep going I pray for your such performance Par De Excellence.
dear Noor,
We are proud of you for your reat achivement in China.
Your are the ideal for new generation that any stage is impossble to achieve with out determination and hard working hope you guid our students.
I personlly appreciate you on your wounderful success
Dear All
I am honored by the words of appreciation used for this personal achievement. I attribute this success to the support, love and appreciation of my family members, my father and my uncle Tayib Jan. Uncle Tayib sponsored this tour and I am thankful to the heavens for providing me the opportunity to make him, my parents, my family and my region proud.
The MUN (Model United Nations) tradition opens new horizons for international networking, learning diplomacy, inter-personal expression and articulation of policy positions held by various countries and blocs, in the global political arena. I am eager to share my learning with everyone. I hope to develop a vehicle for turning this eagerness into an actionable opportunity.
Again, lots of thanks for the expression of love, support and appreciation. I am honored and humbled.
Noor Muhammad
congrats noor on getting such remarkable distinction.
this is infact a benchmark for all our students.
keep going
Wow!!!! I knew you will do it,bravo!!!
There are more such outstanding destinations awaiting you and the entire youth of Pamir. Your family is proud of you for this and wishing for more and from you. Remember dear, sky is the limit in terms of wishing for , and striving to progress and achievements.
I hope all the people of Gilgit in general and Gojal in special (which I rightly call my immediate family) are there to support you and all other community members who have a spark for progress.
Best wishes
all my luv, with all my heart
keep glowing
wow great!!!!!!!!!!!!!,
well done Mr. Noor Muhammad, You have done a great job. congratulation. Keep going on and on.
many many congratulation to you and your family
keep it up and God bless you.
Dear Noor,
I on behalf of the Students Aid Society (SAS) congratulate you for the outstanding performance.Indeed this achievement is matter of inspiration for all of us and we hope you would share knowledge and experience of speaking at the international level with the students.
Ali Sarwar
Students Aid Society (SAS)
…at last d spark caught fire,mean to say our society z proceeding ahead according 2 our Imams vision n evey aspect f life..instead f prasing noor each of us has to contribute a little n our society generiously…
congrates noor……….
lup yor bhuhut zabardast
It is an unbelievable achievemnet for Northern Areas amid tough international competent lot from different countries in Beijing.
we look forward for the same from Noor in future.
it is a great thing for the people of Gojal and North to celeberate with the Festival of Nauroz.
Ali Adil Gilgiti
Congratulations for your big achievement. Definitely your achievements will be effective for the development of the society and the region. We hope more and more students will follow your pathway to find out success in their lives.
Once again congratulations and keep it up
Sajjad and Samina
Riyadh -KSA
Congratulation!!! As expected, you have achieved. This is a start of a long journey to Success!!!
congrats man
hopefully you never stay at this point, sky is the limit, continue your study and struggle towards success. God bless you.
Noor, Congratulations to you and your family
jigar u did it, congrates dear. “go on knocking and the door of success will be opened to you”
all the words they are away from my mind but are there for appreciations to you and your family.
My dear Kheryaan
My heartiest congratulations on this great achievment. You made us proud. I pray that may Mowla’s blessings always with you and give right direction to our tellented youth. I am sure that such great achievments will enlighten our youth to a possitive and constructive direction which will Insha Allah lead us to creat a forward looking and progressive civil society with peace and prosperity.
I congratulate Loopyor Jabbar and his family on this remarkable achievment. I am sure he is so proud of you.
Keep it up, Kyeryan.
it is indeed a great honour for all of us to have such brilliant students in our community.i want to congrate u on ur achievements. God bless you.
Excellent performance!
With this new vigour, zeal and wider exposure to this big show and the ‘big country’, we hope and pray you will refresh and renew your commitment to work hard to achieve your aspirations in life and our common dreams of a free, better and dignified life for the mountain people of this region.
We have only ‘words of generosity’ to support and praise your efforts!
Amin Beg
Well done boy for putting another feather in your cap and bringing laurel to your Alma Mater, family, community and to the journalistic community of Gilgit-Baltistan.
Farman Ali
brother congrates we are proud of you.
Excellent Noor, we are all proud of you for this achievement. Keep it up as one of the role models for our youth. Congratulations to you, your family and all connected to you.
Dear Noor Muhammad,
Congratulations on receiving this prestigious and much-deserved award! The diligence and passion you have put in your work serves as an example and inspiration to so many. If it is any indication of the effort you will put into life, you will be successful in all you do and if it is passion, it will take you “above and beyond” the call of duty, and will provide rewards beyond even your own expectations.
We are enormously proud of you and of the great honor you have brought to our region and community by your achievements.
Hajee Parveen Roy
Wishing you best of luck for further achievements.
we are proud of you man keep it up may Imam bestow his real blessings ,ameen
Riaz Zoqi
Hats off to Noor Muhammad on this outstanding achievement! We are desperately looking for such role models for our youth to get an impetus from the commimtment, hardwork and eagerness to learn you have shown at such an early life. It’s all because of the blessings of Mowlana Hazir Imam and the guidance and emphasis He puts on acquirng qualilty and meritocractic education to succeed in today’s complex and competitive world. This example of tremendous potential will boost the morale of our children and follow on your foot-steps.
All the people of the northern area, who are law-abiding, peaceful, democratic, responsible citizens of the country, are virtually happy and congratulate you on this meritorious success.
Ashraf Hussain
Hello Noor,
Countless congrats for outstanding position…
Cumer bixabarem tiwetk
Dzeng lup xabar’n wuz bixabar
Bixlew wuδg pervt žы nazar
Windem drem yi xыš xabar
Nыr Mamad niyešk i termis
Dem Osiyo, tiz jwonv e mis
Ofarin e recopc jon!
Po nung et nixhitk hadem jahon
Tar pыrыt xhat woz be tu paxč
Ozmoyiš e jыrišt γal γafč
Musofireš cart tar du’o
Ilm et hilm en čak tow cart, yo Xыδo
Dem jahon tu ye Musofir
Ilm e destan woc faqir
Well done lopyor for your brillent performance,we all the studients of KIU are very happy to hear your success.and we pray for your future success,keep it up
Tallent peoples are the assets of our society ,and we hope from you that you will keep your struggle on.
hey Noor, I have somehow missed this thread. Perhaps at that time I was not a regular part of PT.
It is really great to know about your wonderful performance abroad. This is a great achievement which makes all of us proud. Keep on working hard and I do hope you will leave greater marks on the history.
Sultan Ahmed
Superb Noor! I don’t know how I missed out this news. Heart-felt congratulations to you and your family.
Keep up the good work.
Great People have Great Opprutunities to Play and Win. I would say nothing but GreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaatEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSssssssssssssssssssssssssst!!!!!!!!!!!