DevelopmentEducationGilgit - BaltistanPakistan

International Conference on Networking/Partnership for Knowledge Management Concluded at KIU

Group Photo of Participants

Gilgit, April 9: The international conference on Promotion of Partnership/Network for Research and Knowledge in Northern Areas of Pakistan has been concluded with the recommendation to form “Karakoram Knowledge Partnership” under the umbrella of KIU.

The 3-days conference continued from 7-9 April, 2008 at Karakoram International University, Gilgit and participated by a large number of local, national and international researchers, scholars and development practitioners The main objective of the conference was to discuss ways and means of pulling together existing research on ecological, geological, cultural and socioeconomic aspects of the Northern Areas into one focal point for easy access to relevant parties. 

Dr. Hermann Kreutzmann, Chair Institute of Geography and Development Studies, Free University of Berlin Germany, Prof. Hauptmann, Karakoram Project, Germany, Izhar Ali Hunzai, General Manager, AKRSP, Prof Skyhawk, Taxila Institute of Asian Studies QAU, Dr Andreas Schild, ICIMOD, Prof. Dr Mathias Winiger, Rector Bonn University, Dr Anna Bocci, Ev.K2. CNR Italy, Salman Ahmad, ICIMOD Nepal, Ali Hasan Habib, DG WWF Pakistan, Sheraz ullah Baig, HKKH Partnership Project, Haider Raza, IUCN Pakistan, Azmat Hayat Khan, Director PMD Islamabad, and Mr. Qamar ul Zaman, Meteorologist, PMD were among the main participants of the conference. Mr. Vincenzo Prati, the Ambassador of Italy to Pakistan was also present during the opening session. 

During the first day, representatives from different organizations presented their research activities regarding the NAs. of Pakistan. The second day was dedicated for group works and presentations to develop a mechanism in order to promote partnership and networking among relevant organizations to share knowledge.  At the end of the second day, Steve Rasmussen, Ex-GM, AKRSP presented the recommendations of the conference. The conference was concluded with the mutual agreement to develop a partnership as Karakoram Knowledge Partnership. A steering committee will be formed under the chair of VC, KIU. The committee will develop a proposal to practically establish the networking system. During the final day delegates visited different stalls of the KADO, AKRSP, BEDAR and other organizations. The participants also visited different projects of KADO and AKCSP in Hunza valley. 


The conference was jointly organized by KIU and AKRSP in close collaboration of Higher Education Commission, AKRSP, AKESP, KADO, WWF, IUCN, HKKH Partnership for Ecosystem Management, Ev.K2.CNR, Serena Hotel and Wetlands Programme.

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