Gilgit - Baltistan

Vote for Nisar in the Geo TV’s competition for Young Producers


Vote for Nisar and help him win the Geo TV’s Young Producer competition. His performance can be watched on AAG TV. He is the only candidate belonging to Gilgit – Baltistan. – Zulfiqar Ali Khan

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  1. Wish you best of luck Nisar, I can’t vote from here but I will pray for your success.


  2. Nisar my dear,

    I can still remember those days when you were a student of class 3 and now you have started your professional life. I am soooooo proud of you Nisar adn I wish you best of luck. unfortunatly I can not vote for you being out of the country but I hope and am sure that the people of Gilgit and Baltistan will support you by voting for the competation. I would like to request the rest of my students (your classmates) to support you for your hard work.

    I am proud of you my dear Nisar


  3. My Dear Younger Brother
    I am so proud of you… as you proved yourself… Inshallah you will win as we all are not just voting for you but our sincere prayers are with you…..

    Wish you Good luck my dear brother


  4. Dear All,

    Since the inception of this blog all readers and well wishers sharing their observations, feedback and comments on unity, support and encouragement for positive activities and achievements. This is a time now to be practical and prove that we really act what we say.

    Vote for Nisar and he will strongly represent us for our cause in the future.

    My bundle of votes for Nisar

    Best of Luck

    Azam Tajik

  5. It only takes one person to start making a difference

    And only together we can make a difference

    Let’s start making the difference by casting vote to Nisar

  6. All the best Nisar,

    But there is very little information available, Geo TV young producer competation,,, some information about the competation,,about the work being done by Nisar, as a result of which he qualified for this compitation etc…would it be only our votes that will make him a winner??


  7. Thoes were the fabulous days of our life when we were at Al Amyn Model School togather.when ever thoes memories strick in my mind all i wish is to go back to thoes days …..anyways tht is not possible ….
    now nisar is about to start his professional life , all i can to is to pray for his success…

    i have voted for you man.. hope you will be the number 1…
    last night i saw your program……………(buhot bolta hai yar tu:-) )

    i would like to request all ALAMYNIKS to vote for him..

    wish u all the best

  8. Indeed we all are proud of our great achievers, this is the time to rush to make a another turn! to show the culture of encouragement and unity! let come and vote for Nisar to enlist him as the young producer from the MOUNTIANS !!! Gilgit./Balitistan. this will be an honor to the mountianous population of Gilgit/Balitistan.

    Best of Luck Nisar!!!

  9. Wawo Good job Nisar…..
    We can pray for your success…
    Keep it up

    sajida khan

  10. Dear Nisar,

    we are proud of you.Keep it up up up ! we can not vote from Australia.Wishing you reach no 1 ! Good luck.

    Ghulam Ahmed
    Australia (Brisbane

  11. Wish u all the best Nisar. Unfortunately we can not vote for u as we are living abroad. Anyway our prayers are with you

    Samina Sajjad

  12. My dear Nisar Ahmed,
    It takes me to the time when you had joined me for the firsttime in Lahore for your studies at NCA.I could realize from that very day that you had a strong will and were determined to prove yourself in this novel field.
    I am very much familiar with the kind of constructive activities you were involved in and hence proved to be supportive in your challanging moments.
    I am really happy knowing about your success and pray to God for the outstanding achievements you are opting for.
    Keep struggling as struggle is the meaning of life.
    With love
    Your Hamro
    Aslam Ghalib

  13. daer ,I can not give you vote because of abroad ,so good luck to you ,may be you r the first one in this program on geo tv ,you will get first number .we will pray for you .good luck

    with best regards
    gari khan
    ismaili centre dubai

  14. HaY Gentlman!!!!!
    voted u, gud 2 knw this, Go confidently what u have imagin, live the life and make it joyful. V all r with u to push and steer u as log as we can, always keep in mind that nothin z impossible, its just our thinking, so tkink in the rigt direction nd look ahead by CHIN-UP,

    Sarfaraz Amin
    Al Amin Pharmacy Hunza
    Riphah International University

  15. Great….
    I am happy that Mr. Nisar is “Mera Ustaad” in visual media……
    Bravoooo Nisar, you win or lose you are the pioneer of Visual Expression for whole of Northern Areas.

    Wishing you BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!

    Sher Baz

  16. It is amazing to see how the products of Private Community English Medium Schools and the Aga Khan Higher Secondary Schools are grooming. This reflects that the initiatives taken from the communities and insitutions at Hunza level, was a very positive step from our visionary leaders in the past. We are thankful for their developmental thinking and apprecaite their actions because it shows that they have secured our future.
    Now it comes to the next generation to follow the pathway of our elders and continue their mission by educating and producing more Nisars, Ghalibs, Noors, Zulfiqars and all those who have been contributing to our specific and general societies directly and indirectly.
    Nisar, we women have been voting for you with our children because we want you to succeed so they could follow you and others in future.
    With pride, prayers and love,
    Your Aunty,

  17. Dear Nisar
    It is really wonderful to hear about your extraordinary achievement. congratulation

  18. Dear Nisar,

    Great Job. And kind of dedication and confidence you are showing is fantastic…doesn’t matter that you win or loose, but you have already won thousands of hearts by representing Northern Areas, hope every individual will show his love and support by casting vote for you…

    With best wishes


  19. Dear all,
    it is really a moment of great happiness for me the way you are encouraging me and supporting me by your precious votes.Im really thankful to you all.Though defeat and victory is part of life but the absolute thing for me is ur support and love.

    I would like to share few words with u about the competition. Through audition i was selected in the competition. i was in kara for more then two months making different types of films. In every eposide one student had to leave on the bases of the weak performance but i survived till the final.There were 13 students from different institutions such as lums,zabist,iqra univ,NAPA,KU and NCA.
    The final film which i made is called “the nation killer” a short film revealing the impact of terrorism on children. Akram bari s/o muhammod Qazi and karam ali s/o mir ali from gulmit got the opportunity to work in the film as actors. I hope that in the coming time i will put my best effort to give chance for the intrested people of northern area to work in films and other productions.
    You can watch the show every tuesday and wednesday at 11 pm on aag tv.
    The voting is still going on and i would request u all to cast vote through one sms if u have not given yet. once again thanx for ur support.

    for vote type:
    TRS(space) nisar and send it to 224

  20. best of luck nisar!! i got to listen that u r making a documentary on wakhi people life for ur thesis work. hope t see sit.

  21. best of luck nisar. i saw one episode. could u kindly tell me ur e-mail id. i have to discuss about the future of females in film and tv department.


  22. I believe Niar has both the talent and passion to be successful in his career that he has chosen for himself.

    Needs to be very selective in choosing his subjects and work hard to cover all aspects to make the product a perfect one.

    I wish him good luck and success

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