
KKH expansion: people seek compensation

HUNZA, April 4: The people affected by the Karakoram Highway expansion project have blamed the local administration and political representatives for nonpayment of compensation for the properties lost to expansion work.
Talking to Dawn, they said that the local administration ordered chopping of hundreds of fruit and forest trees without giving any assurance of paying the compensation.They accused some officials of Gulmit Tehsil of demanding bribe for payment of compensation. They said that some of the victims had paid them bribes only to check their names in the compensation list.

They alleged that district councillor had utilised public funds for establishing their private businesses in Islamabad and Kashmir and ignoring his constituency. Also at Dawn

By: Zulfiqar

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  1. Dear all,

    By taking in reference the Press release on PT in , which state that 2 young political individuals met President Office’s spokesperson Mr. Farhat Ullah Babar, and represent an oblige able demand for an additional NALA seat in HUNZA valley.

    I just want to express my views by taking today’s news (regarding the above statement) that said that in the contrary, if the local representative of Hunza instead of demanding seats for the Hunza valley i-e for their mind boggling and useless political hassle, they should demand aid or compensation for those poor peoples whom houses as well as property had been sabotage/collapse in the construction of KARAKORAM Highway.

    In the light of the above views of mine, I request to all concerned authorities and individuals that to please reconsider what is more important to fetch a seat for Hunza people or to accommodate/compensate their lives and loss



  2. …..district councilor had utilitized public funds for establishing their private businesses in Islamabad and Kashmir and ignoring there constituency…… all the councilers from Hunza are doing the same ….!
    A moment of ………….!

  3. Shahbaz Khan ( District Councillor) now it is over and enough. Let the youth of Gojal should get rid. You and your father and remained our district councilor and able to make yourself your Hotel . Good Bye from now as District Councilor
    Thanks Noor for your immediate news regarding this

  4. waw
    who is this gojal lover kiya bat ha yar u ap ka josh yar its great kash har gojali ap ki tara jazbat ma bat karee or ap ki tara jazbati ho i fever ur point i wam with u we need more people like u tom get rid of such leaders

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