CultureDevelopmentGilgit - BaltistanPakistan

Biking to Ghizar: Teachers on tour

Begining the journey

Teachers of Federal Government Boys High School, Gulmit, toured Phandar valley (Gupis) and Imit (Ishkoman) during a unique motorbike tour. Ali Ahmad, himself among the tourists, shares photographs of the bike tour with readers of Pamir Times.

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  1. Thanks to Ali Ahmed for sharing nice glimpses of the tour. A bit adventurous on the part of the teachers, especially on the Gilgit -Ghizer road on bikes, but worth trying for the sake of learning about the areas visited and awareness gained on some of the cultural aspects encountered en -route.
    Exposure visits always prove to be gainful, particularly more for the teachers, as they are the ones who would share and transfer the knowledge to their students, for their benefit, ultimately.

  2. It is wonderful on the part of the teachers of gujal to bike to Ghizer. It would have been educative for the readers if the beautiful pictures had been described in words also. Right now, most of us don’t know from where those pictures have been taken. Hope these pictures would be explained.

  3. Sir the first picture is at Gulmit School. In the 2nd and 3rd Pictures is Rakhaposhi taken form hunza the 4th picture on your left is Khalti Lake half a hour from Gupis. The picture after is at Sousat Lake. The 3 pictures on the left side is view of Phander Village. The 2 other pictures of our group is also taken at phander . And the last picture my self near Sher qila

  4. Ye luplol gafch gafch shobosh thor ki thowe se khanaker yem gafch khusrui photos eth de saken share kerth…

  5. in this group we were, Ustad Gulam Baig, Iqbal Karim, Mir Baz , Mukhi Farman Ali from Gulmit. Mohd Hussain from Chiporson, Aman Karim from Hussaini, Noor Khan from Gulkhin

  6. Spectacular scenes and incredible trip…
    Teacher sparing time from there professions and zamindori. A very good idea… (What an IDEA SIR G !!!!)
    Farman bhai looking Valentine Rossi fully equipped biker….
    Noor khan bhai Zindbaad

  7. wonderful activity to explore the beauty of the area and to make minds fresh by arranging such healthy activities apart from teaching teaching teaching…..keep it up

  8. what a wonderfull idea, especially to visit one of the most beautiful locations, the art of photography by Ali ( lup lol) is amazing as usual, nice to see my beloved and most respectable teacher ustaad Ghulam Beg leading the group/



  9. Beautifull idea who ever has taken the initiative to visit Ghizir the places are really wounderfull good photography and nice to see ustad Ghulam Baig and his other colleagues.

    Ali Masud


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