
Work on the spillway likely to start today

PT Report

Gilgit, June 21: Controlled blasting of some boulders hindering water flow through spillway of the Hunza River lake is likely to start today or tomorrow. FWO workers repaired an access route initially constructed for digging up a spillway was repaired today.

Water cannons and controlled, safe, blasts are two major tools to be used for expansion of the spillway, according to information obtained by Pamir Times.

In the meanwhile five more houses were dismantled in Shishkat and Gulmit and as many were given early warning for evacuation to safer places due to the risk posed by water rise in the lake.

Two houses in lower Ghulkin have also been declared at risk.

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One Comment

  1. Dear All,
    —Once again after laps of two months-the comments of these political figures of GBL Council compelled to express my thoughts in the light of my technical know-how!

    —As earlier agreed, with the comments of the Japanes Professors and providing all the required technical expertise, manpower and machinery available with OGDCL- to E &C branch but without any positive result.

    —This time again I offer my services for the country and for my area from where I belong. I partially agree with the Finance Minister- being a non-technical personal and due to his short sighted he only cares of the area where he belongs. His thoughts very clearly show his deed! What about Gojal where four or five villages completely inundated and others are at risk

    —-With the ordinary blasting materials I can reduce the level of water 25 to 30% with in two to three weeks. Here-once again I offer my services if the concern Govt. Institutions or NGO wants my services.

    Baig Ali
    Dy. Chief Engineer (Operations)-South

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