
Water from Satpara Dam starts leaking

By Naweed-e-Sahar

Skardu, September 1:  The recently constructed  Satapara Dam has startd leaking posing an imminent threat for Skardu city.

The newly built Satpara Dam started leaking as a result of a poorly built wall probably constructed using sub standard material. The leakage could cause the dam wall to weaken  and endanger the inhabitants of Sakardu city. The DESCON company which is constructing the dam  is trying to  stop the leakage according to reports but they refused to talk to media personnel about the actual causes of the leakage.

People from different walks of life have expressed great displeasure over the incident. Especially the people of Baltistan who had great expectations with the project have strongly criticized the company responsible for it. Most of the people say that the incident is due to the fault in the design and lack of competence on the part of the company to handle such important projects.

Speaking to media prominent relegious leader Sheikh Hasan Jaffri said that this incident is disastrous. This can have grave implications for the whole region. He also said that without the addition of water from Shutong Nala to the dam the project is worthless. Eminent scholar Moulana Ibrahim Khalil said that if the dam bursts that would engulf the whole Skardu city and neighboring villages. Government should  work to come up with a  solution forthis problem as soon as possible.

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One Comment

  1. I am seriously wondering what ails the nation…….nearly in every sector one hears/reads about un-ethical practices; be it our cricket team, members of parliament with fake degrees, weak dykes that have broken in floods,bad quality roads and so on.
    The news about SATPARA dam is really sad news.
    The name of company is DESCON and details of work undertaken can be found on this weblink:

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