
Japan: Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disasters

Cooling system of a second nuclear reactor in the Fukushima Daiichi region has failed, taking the risk of nuclear catasrophy to a higher level. BBC, however, reports quoting a Professor of Physics at Surrey University, Paddy Regan, as saying that a disaster on the scale of Chernobyl in the 1980s was highly unlikely.

It is pertinent to note that two days back a nuclear reactor’s cooling system had failed, creating fear of a nuclear-meltdown.

According to CNN, workers have been making “last-ditch” efforts to cool down the fuel rods at No.1 and No.3 reactors, by “injecting seawater” in the reactors.

The Government of Japan has already evacuated 200,000 people living in a 20 kilometer area around the reactors.

The nuclear hazard was caused by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake that also triggered massive Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean last week.

According to reports appearing in the Japanse media, around 15,000 people may have died due to the Tsunamis and earthquakes.


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  1. Divine Rage
    Nature swavers Planat’s merciless rampage as a sign of the 2012 mega saga.

  2. It never costs to be cautious, so let’s be so in thinking. If those Chinese tunnels in the foothills of Karakurum and Himalayas are “actually” meant to serve as hoards for nuclear reactors sometime in future as reported by some media, the fact that those locations fall in a tectonically active region needs NOT to be ignored. You may be convinced that those tunnels are never going to be used for storage of nuclear reactors, but oh what do we really know?

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