
President of PPP Hunza, Fida Karim, resigns in protest

Condemns security agencies for harassing innocent people and disregarding the sanctity of Chardiwari/Chadar

PT Report

Aliabad, August 28: President of PPP Hunza Chapter, Fida Karim, has resigned from his position in protest against random detention of tens of people in different parts of Central Hunza. He has said that raids are being conducted in middle of the night and no respect is being shown for the local traditions and the sanctity of Chadar and Chardiwari (terms associated with religious, cultural and traditional privacy).

Karim has blamed his party of taking revenge from political opponents in the guise of law enforcement.

It is pertinent to note that around 11 people were recently released by courts in Gilgit due to lack of evidence, confirming the reports that the government is making random arrests, without any proper planning.

At least 25 people have been arrested so far by the police in reaction to the riots that erupted after the broad daylight murder of two innocent IDPs by the Hunza Police, while they were peacefully protesting on arrival of Chief Minister.

More arrests to follow 

Aliabad: In the meanwhile, Finance Minister Akhtar has said that more arrests will be made in the future. He has urged the people to stay calm and show patience, while the government tries to establish its writ in the peaceful region.

600,000 in compensation for murder and promises of justice 

Aliabad: Wazir Baig has said that those responsible for the murder of the two IDPs will not be spared by the law. He has said that people should wait for the result of the judicial investigation. Baig visited family of the assassinated IDPs and gave 2 cheques worth 600,000 rupees to widow of Shaheed Sher Ullah Baig and Shaheed Sher Afzal.

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  1. well done Fida karim, we are proud of you, we need people like you who can work for the interest of Hunza rather then for any party. and its requested to all other party members to follow this action to protect Hunza.

  2. i wonder why the finance minister Muhammad Ali Akhtar is announcing more arrests in Hunza, and is so interested in spoiling up the situation, why dont he concentrate on his own area ……. I am sorry to say Guys, i guess its time to wake up. you have forgot that you live in Pakistan. you have started considering as if you live in USA where the govt will listen to your peaceful requests, why did we have covered ourself in a curtain of self proclaimed peace. we have concentrated so much on showing off the other people that we are a peaceful nation that our own society is in danger now, because of our over-peacefulness. For God’s sake, this is not an era of Gandhi neither this is tibet, where peaceful protests turned the tides of future. if your neighbour is playing politics with you, you have to play much clever politics with him, if you neighbour is burning your house , you dont have to sit there, saying that you are a peaceful person, let them burn your house. this might sound extreme but believe me this is the truth , this is how this world goes on..accept this truth

  3. The people of GB and Hunza valley are well aware about the presence of heavy arms and ammunition out side Hunza valley and why is Mr.Akhtar and Mr.Mehdi Shah so keen to raid the houses of this peaceful region.This clearly shows the impartiality of Mr.Akhtar and GB Provencial administration. The people of Hunza valley have right to know about the recovery of arms from the gange attacked Hussaini Gojal Valley?. The impartiality of Mr.Akthar and Mr.Mehdi Shah is a question mark and this policy will destroy the ethnical and religious harmony of the region.

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