Autumn colours of Gilgit

Pamir Times
Pamir Times is the pioneering community news and views portal of Gilgit – Baltistan, Kohistan, Chitral and the surrounding mountain areas. It is a voluntary, not-for-profit, non-partisan and independent venture initiated by the youth.
howrandomsheis reblogged this on howrandomsheis.
what a wonderful scene!
is this original or edited ?
wht do you think bushra is it joke
its very short run way ?? i dnt think its glt airport
@ Bushra Rehman .. this is an original pic.
wawooo how beatiful my gilgit….looks like a paradise.
Waw nyC pic
_______________The Dream Land GILGIT-BALTISTAN____________
_______________Come and Enjoy the NATURAL BEAUTY AND LAND SCAP________