Anti load-shedding protests spread to Skardu, Astore and Chilas

Asim Iqbal
Gilgit, December 27: Thousand of people, including women, in Chilas, Astore and Sakrdu poured on to the streets and gathered in different parts of the cities to register their protest against load shedding .
In Chilas, thousands of enraged people gathered at the Golden Peak Chowk on the appeal of Diamar Youth Organization and Students union. They later marched towards the office of Power department and staged a sit in.
Addressing on this occasion leaders of the different political parties demanded of the administration to cut special lines and electricity should be distributed on equal basis among the consumers. After negotiation with responsible people the protesters dispersed peacefully .
In Astore a protest rally was held against the inefficiency of electricity department. Protesters said that power house of the area was not operating for ten days and due to non-availability of electricity routine life was badly disturbed.
In Sakrdu women protested against the load shedding and blocked the main road. They chanted slogans against the government and concerned department and said that if the supply of electricity was not brought to normal, they will stage a sit-in in front of the commissioner’s office.