Gilgit - Baltistan

Young woman dies of electrocution in Khyber village of Gojal

PT Report

Khyber, February 9: A 26 year old woman named Mehrul daughter of Sher Ali lost her life after getting electrocuted in the Khyber village of Gojal Valley, today.

According to reports she mistakenly touched an immersion rod put in a bucket for heating water. Due to severe cold in the region people use hot water for different domestic choirs, like washing dishes and cloths.

The deceased was laid to rest in her native village in presence of hundreds of mourners. She was a college graduate.

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  1. inna lliallahi wa inna eleyhi rajioon….. may allah rest her soul in eternal peace and give courage to her family to bear this incident……

    Aziz and family Atlanta USA

  2. Sad demise and moment for the family-Condollance to the family on behalf of Engineer Baig Ali & family

  3. Inna Lillahi wa inna eleyhi rajioon! May God Almighty rest her soul in eternal peace. This is a very sad news and a big lost for the whole community.

    All of us should take safety measures when using electric equipment to avoid such incidents.

    Sher Shah

  4. She was serving as a teacher in the Khyber community school. a loss to the whole community, may her soul rest in peace (Ameen)

  5. Very sad news. We offer our condolences to family and friends and school children where she was a teacher.

    He soul may rest in eternal peace ( Ameen)

  6. very sad news…May moula rest her soul in his extenal peace(ameen) my deep sympathy vd his familiy…..

  7. Inna Lillahi wa inna eleyhi rajioon! May God Almighty rest her soul in eternal peace.
    I just read of my Niece Mehrul daughter of Sher Ali passing. My thoughts are with you and (late)bro-in-law Sher Ali family. Unfortunately Very sad news.

    we use the electricity every day, it’s so easy to forget how dangerous electricity can be. plz always put safety first. Before using an electrical appliance for the first time, read and follow all the instructions for using the equipment safely,

  8. it is a very sad news that a young teacher has lost her life due to negligence may allha rest her soul in eternal peace and give courage to her family

  9. Very sad news. We offer our condolences to family and school children where she was a teacher.
    may allah rest her soul in eternal peace and give courage to her family. ( Ameen)
    Sarfraz khan.

  10. This is realy sad news for all of us,especiely youg

    teacher we lost my condolences for the bereaved family

    also we pray God give her soul eternalpeace(ameen)
    Rehman Karim Sakhi(canada)

  11. Inna Lillahi wa inna eleyhi rajioon………MAY ALLAH ALMIGHT REST HER SOUL IN ETERNAL PEACE………

  12. very sad news

    May her soul rest in peace

    We extend our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family

    Unfortunately we lack general awareness and education in schools about ‘household appliances hazards’ leading to unfortunate loss of lives like this.

    It should be made part of learning in schools and community outreach education through Jamatkhanas and other forums.

    Amin Beg and Shamshad

  13. A very tragic accident and irreparable loss for family and village. May Allah rest her soul in eternal peace and give courage to bereaved family to bear thi sgreat loss. At the same time all the volunteer organizations and CERT( Community emegeny response team)should launch a programme to sensitize the communities to avoid such things.

    Ali Mehr

  14. Very sad news. May All Mighty Allah bless her soul in eternal pease and give fortitude to the bereaved family.

    Such incidents may be averted by creating awareness among the masses.

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