Justice and peace for all, GBians demand in Islamabad

Special Reporter | Photographs: Waseem Samad
Islamabad, April 11: Justice and peace are essential for the future of Gilgit – Baltsitan. While condemning hatred and terror, we shall also appreciate those who saved human lives during the tragedies in Chilas, Gilgit and Nagar Valley. Vast majority of the people of Gilgit – Baltistan are peace loving. The miscreants need to be identified and isolated. The government shall take short and long term measures to restore peace in the region.
These views and suggestions were made during a peace conference and rally organized by concerned citizens of Gilgit – Baltistan based in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. A resolution presented during the conference made comprehensive suggestions for ensuring peace in the region. Introduction of community policing, village level vigilance committees, judicial investigation of the acts of terrorism in Kohistan, Gilgit and Chilas and recognition of the efforts of people who saved lived during difficult conditions were some of the other demands presented by “Citizens for Peace – GB”, an initiative launched by concerned citizens of GB.
A rally was organized from the national press club to “D” Chowk and back to the Press Club. This was preceded by a conference in which speakers expressed their ideas and emotions about the current situation in GB. The speakers included Ghulam Nabi Raikoti, Amjad Ayub, Dr. Sharif Astori, Dr. Ghulam Abbas, Inayat Ullah Shumali, Izhar Hunzai, Kashif Bonjvi, Shahid Ali Astori, Dr. Parveen Ashraf, ex-MLA Noorulain, ex-MLA Sultan Madad and Ali Ahmad Jan, coordinator of the organizing committee.
The speakers also urged the political and social leaders of GB to come forward for restoration of peace in the region. The role of GB and federal government was criticized by the speakers.
Renowned rights activist, Farzana Bari, also joined the protest rally. Speaking at the occasion she appreciated the youth for coming out to support the cause for peace. She said that this movement shall be spread throughout Pakistan.
Around four hundred people, mostly youth and professionals, participated in the conference and rally.
Let us be united to eradicate fanaticism from all sects in GB and make the region a land of love and peace.. Love Humanity-Love Peace. May God bless our beautiful GB with peace and harmony…Ameen.
While we need to organize such rallies and give messages of peace. Meanwhile we need to press for developing a robust education policy and implementing it with true letter ans spirit. The leaders in the Developed put education on the top of their priorities despite of their development…As Tony Blair said: “Ask me my three main priorities for the nation, and I will say: EDEUCATION, EDUCATION and EDUCATION. Now compare it within our priorities….with 2.5% of GDP…It is really shameful…we cannot eradicate this menace of terrorism, extremism and hatred without education and research….So what we need to press during such rallies…it is obvious: we must press to bring education on the top of our priorities, besides taking other measures..only then we can expect the result in decades….otherwise it will be in the words of Faiz Ahmed Faiz
ان سے جو کہنے گئےتھے فیض جان صدقہ کئے
اَن کہی ہی رہ گئے وہ بات سب باتوں کےبعد
خون کے دھبے دھلینگے کتنے برساتوں کے بعد
پھر بنینگے آشنا کتنے ملاقاتوں کے بعد
As we know this is very difficult time for our homeland Gilgit Baltistan.
so, its responsibility of each and every one to participate and take action according to his position or status to fight against this problem.
and pray for Gilgit Baltistan.
I think this is a very good initiative where the sons of Gilgit and Baltistan came together and rose above the sectarian divide. I think Gilgiti/Biltastani people settled in cities like Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad can play constructive role in eliminating the culture of non tolerance and hatred which has been planted by the vested interests since 1988. Vested interests want to create Gilgit/Baltistan in another Waziristan. Such attempts should be resisted at every cost. So called Jihadi infrastructure, which give foothold to extremists should be dismantled and there should be zero tolerance against elements spreading hatred against shias or sunnis and promoting sectarianism. The area has a great potential for development, progress and prosperity. Its literacy rate is higher than many other areas of Pakistan. The people are patriotic and religious. Let agencies may not ruin the serenity of area. Please unite and foil the nefarious designs of your enemies.
a good effort and contribution to peace building
hope the organizing committee will take the recommendations of the conference forward to forging a lasting peace.
when the local communities will stay united, no external force(s) or actor(s) would dare create any division.
Promote unity in diversity
Please, everybody think about peace and pray for peace in Gilgit with all your heart!
I wish, I was there too. I appreciate for the effort of the people whom joined this peace walk in Islamabad and arranged it. I ask all the people of Gilgit-Baltistan to arrange a peace walk in Gilgit. I think our mothers and sisters could play big role to safe GB.
I sincerely thank you all for doing this great job…