FPSC has announced successful candidates for different positions

FPSC has notified that on the basis of subject examination, the following 14 candidates have been recommended by the Commission for appointment against the
posts shown against their names out of a total of 2231 candidates who appeared in the said examination.
KAMAL UD DIN QAMAR Assistant Commissioner (BS-17)
KAMAL KHAN Assistant Commissioner (BS-17)
SYED ALI Assistant Commissioner(BS-17)
ZAKIR HUSSAIN Assistant Commissioner(BS-17)
IRSHAD HUSSAIN Section officer (BS-17)
MUHAMMAD ADIL KHAN Section officer (BS-17)
IZHAR ULLAH Section officer (BS-17)
SKHAWAT HUSSAIN Section officer (BS-17)
MUHAMMAD AMIN Section officer (BS-17)
AMEEN ULLAH GHAZNAVI Section officer (BS-17)
SHAISTA GHAZI Section Officer (BS-17)
AHMAD KHAN Project Manager (BS-17)
MIRZA KARIM Development Officer (BS-16)
ABDUL AZEEM Development Officer (BS-16)
The salient features of the subject Examination-2011 are as under:-
Candidates Applied : 4125
Candidates Appeared : 2231
Candidates Passed in written portion : 278
Candidates finally qualified : 198
Congratulations to all, Great job Ahmed Khan bhai.
Heartiest congratulations to all the recommended candidates.
Congratulations for recommended candidates. Ur 1st periority should be maintaining peace in G.B.
Accept my heartiest congurtulations you all the Future Leaders, sky is the limit.
congrates to all of u
congrate all of u
some one can tell me about the result of assistant director \ security officer in asf exam taken by fpsc
congratulaton, dears
can any body tell me the web addresses of past papers of ppsc of assistant suprident jail.
agr kisi k pas ye addrees ya website ka pta ho to plz mje mere mail address pr send kr den ye mera mail adress he
p;z mje ap k ans ka shiddaet se intzar rhwe ga