Water level dropping in dammed Hunza River, boats unable to travel smoothly

Our Correspondent
Gulmit, September 20: The water level in the dammed Hunza River is dropping fast due to decrease in temperature in the high altitude region. Sand patches have emerged in middle of the dammed river, making movement difficult for boats.
The number of incidents related to boats getting stuck in the sad has increased sharply during the last week. The incidents are posing threats for life and property of the commuters, operators and traders, while causing stress and anxiety.

A local person told Pamir Times that boat operators have started showing diffidence in movement beyond Gulmit. Due to absence of road between Gulmit and Hussani this could mean more trouble for the commuters coming from upper reaches of the Gojal Valley.

The local people have demanded of the government to construct the truckable road between Gulmit and Hussani to facilitate the commuters and traders.