
Residents of Kalash valley demand release of timber held by people of Ayun

Local people during a peaceful protest in the Kalash valley
Gul Hammad Farooqi
CHITRAL: Residents of Rumbor village, Kalash Valley, staged a protest demonstration demanding early release of timber which has been stopped by Ayun people “illegally”. They said that Supreme Court of Pakistan also have verdict in their favor which was based on justices and SC decided that royalty of the forest is the right of Rumboor people not of Ayuni. But even then residents of Ayun have stopped supply of these timber on their way at Ayun which is totally illegal.
They even did not allow Forest Development Corporation (FDC) permitted timber and have seized them at Ayun. They said that on legal permit contractors have cut Deodar trunks but they are still lying on the road and getting damaged due to rain and water because a few people of Ayun are not allowing them to be supplied to main depot (sale point) at Chakdara. They said that these timber worth of millions of rupees damaging useless on ground. Women folk also addressed to the anger protest rally and public meeting.
Saifullah Jan , Hidayatullah, Ubaidullah former councilor, Inayatullah, Jamat Khan, Rahmat Zar and some Kalash women folk told that we fight legally for our rights for 17 years and Supreme Court of Pakistan have decided royalty in our favor in 1996-97 which is our legal right  but some people of Ayun not obeying that verdict and have stopped our timber illegally. They also held a walk and carrying placards in the rally inscribing the message to release our timber and save us from starvation.  Because there is no source of income and roads remain block at least for 5 month in the valley due to heavy snowfall. And they depend only on royalty of forest which were also snatched by Ayun people and they facing starvation and hunger.  They appeal to Chief Justice  Supreme court of Pakistan as well as president, Prime Minister and provincial chief Minister for soling their issue impeccably  and take necessary action to release  their seized  timbers and assure supply of these timbers (trunks) of deodar worth million of rupees  to Chakdara main sale point which lying on ground and damaging before using.

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