NDMA and FOCUS Pakistan sign MoU to enhance Disaster Risk initiatives in Pakistan

Islamabad (PR): National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Focus Humanitarian Assistance Pakistan (FOCUS), an affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at Islamabad Hotel for enhancing Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes at the national level.
Mr. Rana Farooq Saeed, Federal Minister for Climate Change, was the Chief guest at the occasion.
The MOU was signed by Chairman NDMA Dr. Zafar Iqbal and Chief Executive Officer FOCUS Pakistan Ms. Nusrat Nasab, which will enable both organizations in building human resource capacity on disaster mitigation and the joint projects undertaken in the perspective. It will also assist in promoting Public Private Partnerships for mainstreaming DRR programmes, and its advocacy, response capacity and awareness at different levels.
The aim primarily is to bring together faculties of both organizations to coordinate and assist in ascertaining the best practices in the paradigm of DRR and ensuring their inculcation for more refined disaster management skill set. Both parties agreed to channelize such capacity building practices through national and local disaster management authorities like NDMA, PDMAs and DDMAs.
The operations commenced under the MoU will further encompass human resource mobilization in realizing a resilient Pakistan, project for promotion Public Private Partnerships and advocacy of DRR policies and strategies.
Lack of education and practical knowledge on have been the major impediment in disaster management. Knowledge enhancement and its subsequent sharing at different platforms will certainly do good to the country at community level.
great job
Nice collaboration and partnership
Good Initiative
Well done Nusrat, we highly appreciate and proud of your efforts towards enhancing disaster risk reduction at national level with collaboration with Government of Pakistan.
I would like to ask where is the participation of FOCUS and other AKDN organisations for the effecties of attaabd disaster, Three years passed already. useless to do this monkey business of agreements and seminars, there is no benefit for the community.
Nice coordination, Involve them again In Atta Abad Disaster
It is all about the useless tranings, seminar and bla bla and nothing practical.