Gojal: Road in Kirmin village of Chipursan valley threatened by erosion

Our Correspondent
Sost, May 15: An important road in the Kirmin village of Chipursan Valley, Gojal, has been eroded due to toe cutting caused by the Chipursan River. The local people have said that in the summers when the water flow in the river increases the road will be completely destroyed and a large number of people will not be disconnected from lower parts of the valley.
Erosion has also threatened the Noorabad locality of Kirmin village, which is one of the largest settlements of the Chipursan valley. Fertile agricultural land and houses are at the risk of being flooded, the locals said.
They said that several complaints have been lodged with the authorities but no action has been taken in this regard.
The local people, including members of the Chipursan Local Support Organization have demanded of the district administration to build protective walls beneath the road to contain the erosion and save the road.
People take centuries to establish village settlments but these settlements are washed away in days because institutions do not have priority for Prevention, Preparedness and Mitigation. Kirmin village is the test case.
Thank you PT for highlighting this issue. There are numerous issues like this in the valley but no action is taken yet by the GB Govt and administration besides various efforts by the local community to awake them.
We need more media and influential people’s support.
CM & Chief secretary is expected to keep close liaison with other GB based service providing agencies to address the issues of such remotest areas on emergency bases. If GB Govt has resources than it should take immediate step for protective walls to ensure its proactive safety measures.If not than Direct it towards AKRSP or other agencies as well.Please keep in consideration such remotest areas like gultery , chipursun or hisper, pereshing or terashing, bagrote, phander, thoi and daril, tangir etc.
OMG, this is very near to my home, it has been two years since i had been there, two years back the image was totally different, the river has eroded a huge land there and now i can imagine how easily it can even erode the whole village, important steps must be taken in order to save the village and the road too.
Before a week i visit my Village and visit this place , this is not a visiting place this is the main root to cross from one place to another , the situation was different before this but time come to wake up and lets do something for this together before case happen like attaabad . If govt is not in action we locals have to find a solution for this .This is not a problem of my village its a problem of chupurson valley .
Thank you PAmir Times For raising voice about this main issu ..It is not only in kirmin Vally such type of damages are there in all villages of Chipurson . whic is very terrible and gangerious for the villegers..
This is not a recent case,we are facing such issues from many years back.Local representatives of different villages within chipurson should realize their responsibilities and funds issued by government should be utilize on right time and on right places.I belong to the same village and i have lost 25% of land property and the remaining is at risk too.