Bikers risk their lives by not wearing helmets

Shujaat Ali
Gilgit: Trend of riding motor cycles is at peak in Gilgit-Baltistan these days. After repair and maintenance of Gilgit-Hunza section of KKH many people use motor cycle for travelling on this road. Moreover it is tourist season in GB and tourists visit Gilgit Baltistan on motor bikes. While going Hunza during Eid holidays I had to travel on Karakorum Highway.
During the journey I saw large number of motor cyclists traveling on KKH but unfortunately a very few were using helmet. Some were riding double or triple and roaming freely without any fear of road injury. On the way I asked a motor cyclist, “Why don’t he use helmet” and his reply was that, “Weather is hot now and we need not to use helmet in summer.It’s good for winter to protect against coldness.”
Apparently we think that wearing helmet is good to prevent from coldness. Unfortunately a very few people know that helmets are for preventing head and facial injuries. Though helmets give cushion against coldness but preventing head and neck injuries is the ultimate objective of its usage. We need to educate our people about the fact that wearing helmet guarantees personal safety during road injuries. Fastening seat belt and wearing helmet are part of traffic rules. Let’s ensure our personal safety by encouraging use of helmets and other safety equipments during driving on road and be a responsible citizen.
Mr Shujaat you are worried about helmet related injuries but in real bullet related injuries are more serious a threat to GB.
Mr. Shujat Ali has correctly narrated and pointed out a problem—– during eid vacations I had the opportunity to travel to upper hunza and I saw motor bike accidents in KKH, its practical and true that wearing of helmet can protect and save precious life.
Motor cyclists shouldn’t be allowed to ride motor bikes without the helmet on KKH since many have lost their precious lives and international traffic rules must be applied to ensure the travelers safety.. Hamid