
[Video] Celebrating Navroz in the Pamir region of Tajikistan

The Persian New Year (Navroz) is celebrated by communities with zeal and zest in different parts of the Central Asia. The traditional agricultural festival is also celebrated in parts of Gilgit-Baltistan region.

This 18-minutes long documentary shows some rituals and customs that are popular in the Pamir region of Tajikistan. It shows the people calculating the time for declaration of the new year in traditional way, sowing seeds in a field, ploughing with a pair of Oxens, traditional festivities and other major and minor details surrounding the festival of Navroz.

Despite of our efforts, we were unable to obtain information about the producers of this documentary. Kindly let us know if you are aware of the producers so that we are able to give credits to its rightful owners.

The reason for sharing the video here is to shows the similarities that exist between cultures of the citizens of different countries sharing the Pamiri origin.

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