Ravians from Giglit-Baltistan get together in Lahore at 4th Annual Dinner

Lahore (PR): The students of Gilgit- Baltistan who study in the prestigious Government College University Lahore celebrated the fourth GB Ravians Annual Dinner and Cultural Show today in New Food street Lahore. Almost forty three GB Ravians attended the event along with guests from Islamabad and surrounding cities.
The event was organized by the mutual cooperation of all GB Ravians who are currently studying in various departments of GC University Lahore. Shakir Hussain Shakir who was the main organizer of the event describes the purpose of the event in these words.
“Celebrating the GB Ravians Annual Dinner and Cultural Show is one of the stunning traditions of Gilgit- Baltistan Students here in Government College University Lahore. We celebrate this night once in a year where we invite all old Ravians and Ravians to get together and interact with each other for a positive purpose. I am proud to say that all students who study in Government College University Lahore are under one Umbrella and one will be amazed to see our Unity that we have maintained here for the last many years. I am lucky to be the part of this moderate and tolerant family. Currently there are about fifty students among which there are fifteen female students from Gilgit Baltistan who are getting their education from this impressive institution. We have eliminated all sorts of regional, religious and gender discriminations among us and we are moving forward as one family with high aims and objectives to serve the country and the humanity irrespective of caste, culture and creed in the near future”.
Different students showed their talent in the event and made it more wonderful and charismatic with the traditional songs and hareebs. Among GB Ravains there are students who are very dexterous and skillful in playing the local musical instruments and they have kept one set of these instruments with them. Muneem Tanha and Kamal Uddind Hunzai are the GB Ravians from Danyor who have got multiple talents of singing and playing all sorts of instruments.