‘Youth and Social Activism’ discussed at seminar organized by Milky Way Movement

Islamabad, March 15,2014 (PR): Milkyway Youth Movement, a non-governmental organization, held a seminar on “Social Activism and Youth” at the Department of International Relations and Political Science, Quaid-i- Azam University Islamabad. The guest speakers of the event were political analyst Professor Dr.Pervaiz Hoodbhoy and Head of Gender Studies Department Quaid-i- Azam University Dr. Farzana Bari.
The chief guests, Dr. Bari and Dr. Hoodbhoy threw light upon the current situation of Pakistan stating that we are living in a miserable world where the sense of humanity has been crushed under the influence of self benefits haunted by selfishness. With the sigh of sorrow and grief they emphasized that equal distribution of rights must be brought into action irrespective of the discrimination of color, caste and creed. They shared some local tribal issues and the stories of those who were destroyed because of dishonesty, disunity, injustice and lack of a sensible human nature. They said we should work for humanity not alone but together because the sense of sacrificing one’s own life for the sake of others benefit is a rule of nature which is also followed by the other creatures like elephants and birds. Their Altruistic behavior helps them to survive their generation and the other organisms of the same kind but by embracing death to themselves.
Stressing on the statistical analysis Dr. Bari said that about 25 million kids are out of school, raising voice for a bright future is of no use until we do not bring in these 25 million children inside the schools and its only possible if we join hands to work for them.
This was countered by Dr. hoodbhoy by saying without bringing emergency reforms in the current education system there is no benefit of bringing back these 25 million kids. He stressed upon the youth to be activists and act collective to give a smart punch on the face of contemporary social issues that country is facing. He continued that the one one side we have extremists; who blow themselves but on the other side we have people like abdus sattar and Shahzaman who contribute positively for the society.
Miss Farzana Bari diverted attention towards a rarely discussed but a thought provoking issue regarding women rights that they are a victim of unpaid labor but still treated as a useless creature. She said that article 25 stands for free education to citizens but the government is violating it so everyone should raise voice against this dual behavior. Miss Bari advised the youth to think about what benefit they did for the humanity when they hit their beds every night. She said we; yesterday’s youth could not do any sufficient work for today’s youth so you should work hard for tomorrow’s youth to avoid regretting like us. Both the speakers got inspired and appreciated the efforts of Mr. Shahzaman, promised for their full assistance and co-operation to milky way youth movement in all aspects to be with him in his efforts and stressed the need of such initiatives from youth as a way out of our problems.
Earlier, Executive member Milky Way, Mr. Raja Qamar Zaman welcomed the youth and speakers. Later, Shahzaman, a student of Sociology department, QAU), briefed the audience about his efforts and the way he started the milky way campaign in 2010 while being a college student a Roots School system. Talking about his struggle, he brought into notice of the audience his sensitive feelings about the out of school kids and his will to serve them and bring them back to school when he was a student of Beaconhouse school system. He told the audience that the he used to cry by seeing the injustice when few kids of his age come to collect litter from the cafeteria of his school and go back with a mere wish on their faces to get education likewise other children. This biasness and hatred for those deprived ones had ignited his passion to work for children right to education. The flame of determination had paved his way long enough with many hurdles and obstacle yet his tolerance did not face a decline even when he left his studies from National University of sciences and technology NUST, in the middle of his honors degree in mathematics due to his social activism. He kept on motivating others to join him and to work for humanity. After that he talked about how initially on his own, he sent back to school 3 kids in his village by paying their school fee and to assist more he spread the convinced his college and university teachers and friends to sponsor more kids. As a result Milky Way managed to support 43 kids in the first year of its existence. Currently Milky Way is supporting 106 kids in prestigious institutions of Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral including all Aga Khan Higher Secondary Schools and Gilgit College of commerce and economics (GCCE) and running an academy “Milky Way Academy” which Zaman has opened at his home in Gilgit Baltistan. Zaman also highlighted how a fellow young chairperson of an Islamabad based NGO cheated his cause by making a fake promise of supporting 500 kids. He said when my whole team shortlisted the needy and talented students after a lengthy survey of all parts of Gilgit Baltistan the NGO simply denied the support and put the future of hundreds of students at stake.
The student asked very mind opening questions,dig all areas of concern in our society and asked for their solution in the question-answer session which is followed by a truly guiding asset KLAAM-E IQBAAL which was recited by a Quaidian Saad along with his band “solvent”.
The session came to an end with a resolve that youth is 60% of the populations so their voice on important national issues should be heard and given preference in the policy making process and with the thankful regards of Zaman and an inspiring motto of milky way “Today’s youth for Tomorrows Youth” .