Lessons learnt in 2014

M. A. Salma
Throughout the world, every one starts their new year with lots of fun, enjoyment, planning and frankly speaking, with little prayers and wishes for good fortune ahead.
I was one of them to start 2014 the same way, moving from a small city to the capital was not a part of long term planning, it was just a coincident. It is differing to live with new ones and work with new people around in the most advanced and developed environment. So for me, the year 2014 was offered with number of big challenges in professional as well as personal life.
Development in the technology sector in the world of 3G using latest hard and soft machines, made maximum number of difficult and time consuming tasks much easier than ever before.
Daylight charms are very limited, say working 8 to 8, and are quiet new for people who moved to new places, and getting engaged in developed workplaces.
Working in this advanced and developed sector made me to share my experiences which I have figured out in 2014 and conclude in 2015.
I observed that everyone is walking i.e. everyone is in movement, but to stand by them or to compete with them, you just need to walk, but remember you need to walk fast. Moving slowly mean the task for which you are taking the step is not that much important for you either doing it with laziness. Communicate things but it is important to communicate timely i.e. you need to make your access to internet; it may not be 24 hours but at least 3 hours. Broaden your social circle or friend circle and speak with them because no one knows your feelings and things in your mind. Interacting in this way increases confidence and knowledge. The third thing is to Record, whatever act you perform. I.e. until unless nobody gives you in written avoid acting against it. And the last lesson is to Read and read more things. Because without reading full information, all details, one will never able to gain knowledge and most of all, will than not able to walk, communicate, speak and record thing happening around him.
The Contributor is affiliated with an International Humanitarian Assistance Organization based in Islamabad.
The most valuable time is that you contribute for other peoples.
Very well written piece that you have shared with us.Keep going on ….