Voting rights for Gilgit-Baltistan’s diaspora

Shigri Junior
The general elections for Gilgit-baltistan Legislative Assembly (GBLA), which will decide the future government int he region, are around the corner. The selection of Chief Election Commissioner and Interim Setup has been finalized and in the coming weeks the both bodies will start initiating the electioneering process.
In this regard, we would like to demand the Voting Right for the diaspora of Gilgit-baltistan living in the major cities down the country.
A large proportion of the population is living outside GB because of lack of educational and job opportunities in their native area. Not including them in the election process will be denying them their basic right. Due to the long distance these people will not be able to reach GB to vote in the upcoming elections, and hence will be deprived of their basic human right.
Therefore, we demand that the election commission and interim government of Gilgit-baltistan must take necessary steps to allow the diaspora of GB to vote in the elections. The proposed steps are as follows:
1) Vote via postal service;
2) Set up polling stations at DCO Offices in the major cities;
3) Or, Allocate Special Seats for the major cities or at-least one as whole for the diaspora of GB.
We demand the concerned authorities to take necessary steps to provide the GB diaspora with the voting right in the upcoming GBLA Elections.