PTA to auction spectrums in AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan on 29th December 2015

Islamabad: Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) has revised the schedules of spectrums auction in AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan. The auction of the spectrums will now held on Dec 29, 2015. The last date for submission of applications is Dec 07, 2015. Previously, the auction was set to take place during last week of November.
There are four spectrums i.e. 2*5 MHz in 1900 MHz and two 30 MHz unpaired lots in 3.5 GHz bands. PTA will be auctioning spectrums for WLL licenses for all three telecom regions of AJK and GB. If all the spectrums get auction, PTA will generate revenue of Rs. 90 million in total.
PTA has prepared an Information Memorandum (IM) that comprises of all the details regarding the auction. As per IM, if the bid price is less than or equal to the base price, the spectrum will be allotted to potential buyers. And if the bid price is greater than the base price, PTA will conduct an open auction to assign the licenses. Courtesy: