KADO creates awareness about civic sense

Hunza: Karakoram Area Development Organisation (KADO) in collaboration with Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) initiated awareness activities to educate school students in civic sense through speeches, debates and drawing. The activities were initially piloted in seven schools of Aliabad, Hunza with the target to extend the civic sense campaign to other schools in central Hunza. School level environment committees were formed to regularly conduct the civic sense awareness sessions.
The speeches and debates were mainly focused on themes to harmonize and create a tolerant society through civic sense. Drawings and maps were used to describe the impact of increasing civic sense on community well- being. Prizes were distributed among winners of the competitions in each category.
Career counselling sessions were also conducted for students under the GIZ project. More than seven hundred students were benefited from these sessions.
In the schools cartoon videos were shown to the students as part of 16 Days of Activism for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Campaign to reduce women violence in the society through education and coalition. The students reflected on the cartoon video to enlarge the sense of gender respects, acceptance and their dignity in the society.