
Kashmir solidarity day observed in Gilgit


GIGIT: Kashmir Solidarity Day  was observed in Gilgit-Baltistan like other parts of the country on Friday with zeal,arranged functions in all districts of the region. People from all walks of life have finalized different program to express solidarity with Kashmiris of India held Kashmir in a befitting  manner.

A major rally was held in the city under the auspices of the city administration, which was attended by a large number of people from differetn walks of life. The participants of the rally were carrying banners and placards, expressing solidarity with the people of Kashmir.
Solidarity rallies were also organized by different political organizations, like Jamat-e-Islami and PMLN.

Rallies were also organized in Diamer, Ghizer, Hunza, Nagar, Astore and Baltistan division where people will demand settlement of Kashmir dispute in accordance with UNO resolution and wishes of the Kashmiris.

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