Mother of five children allegedly ‘commits suicide’

Ishkoman: Forty-five years old mother of five children has allegedly committed suicide in the Chatorkhand area of Tehsil Ishkoman, District Ghizer today. She reportedly hanged herself by the neck, ending her life. The cause for the drastic action remains unknown, said police.
According to details shared by local journalist Karim Ranjha, the dead body of the deceased had to be kept at the Tehsil Headquarters Hospital for two hours due to absence of a female doctor.
Later, a Medico Legal Officer, who is mandated by law to commit autopsy, handed over the dead body to the deceased’s heirs after the legal formalities.
Suicide among women and men, specially youth, has been on the rise in different parts of Gilgit-Baltistan. Ghizer is the worst affected district where several hundreds of people have taken their lives during the last decade. Economic tension, depression, domestic violence, abuse and several reasons have been identified as the causes of suicide in the past. However, no concrete step has been taken at the government level to put a stop to this destructive practice.
Some practitioners and experts are of the opinion that women and girls resort to suicide because they are too often are left with no option, other than suffering abuse and undue pressure. Death, in such cases, is considered to be a way out.
“By establishing a regional center, with latest facilities for psycho-social and other supports, for victims of domestic abuse and violence, the Gilgit-Baltistan government can create some hope for those in distress”, said Salma Murad, a gender studies student hailing from GB.
Recently, “Pakistan’s first most advanced, computerized and completely female-run Violence Against Women Center (VAWC)” was established in Multan as part of the Punjab Protection of Women Against Violence (PPWAV) Act.
The Gilgit-Batlistan government can seek assistance from the government of the Punjab to establish such a center in the region, Ms. Salma Murad suggested.