Gilgit - Baltistan
Countering violent extremism discussed during seminar at KIU, Gilgit

Gilgit: A seminar on Countering Violent Extremism was conducted in Karakorum International University in joint collaboration with the Gilgit Baltistan Police. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss the ways and means to counter the menace of extremism and promote peace through coordination of all stakeholders . Seminar attendees talked on various topics with great insights.
Talking to the conference participants, Chairman Department of Media & Communication at International Islamic University Dr Shabbir Hussain stressed on the notion of humanizing conflicts in a peaceful and de-escalating way. He said that we need to resolve issues and conflicts in a humanize way by depoliticizing those conflicts. He further said that journalism needs to be carried out in its true essence having the robe of veracity. He further added that reporting and coverage need to be initiated in a solution-oriented way and need to give importance to common people; who lose their lives everyday.
Mr. Sabookh Syed, prominent broadcast journalist , uttered that we need to be serious regarding fake propaganda which is done deliberately to convince young people and and he stressed to adopt serious precautions regarding use of social media as radical groups generally lured young people through networking websites.
Talking on the theme of national dialogue and social contract to counter extremism in society, Khursheed Nadeem, Prominent scholar and columnist at Daily Dunya said that dialogue is possible only when diverse minds listen to each other under one roof and come to a joint consensus. Conflict resolution is possible when rather than arguments we promote dialogue among diverse ideologies. He further added that differences should be welcomed. Differences lead to evolution. Saying further he made it evident that peace comes when differences of opinion is appreciated and harmony exist among various communities.
Speaking to seminar, Chief Guest of the event, Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan Mr. Hafiz Hafeez ur Rehman said that we live in a society with diverse backgrounds. He went thorough into the historical paradigms of Gilgit Baltistan. He also mentioned the efforts of his government to make Gilgit Baltistan prosperous and peaceful. He further said that Gilgit-Baltistan is heading towards prosperity with a swift pace by collective efforsts of civil administration and law enforcement authorities. He specially praised services of Inspector General Gilgit Baltistan Police in maintaing peace and introducing new reforms in police force.He aspired that the Police Force will discard off the menace of extremism by developing counter extremist nechanusm.
Speaking on the rule of law and role of media, Senior Anchorperson Waqt T.v. Mr. Matiullah Jan said that all forms of extremism must be eliminated and counter terrorism initiatives will be succesful if all stakeholders identify the true aspects of radicalization and eliminate it through adopting counter narratives developed by elected representatives.
IGP GB Police, Mr. Sabir Ahmed said extremism is defined by your social norms and every form of extremism is violent. He also reinforced the major initiatives and necessary steps taken to curb extremism and establishing rule of law. He also answered to various questions of audiences regarding new initiatives of Gilgit Baltistan Police which made possible peace and harmony in region.
Head of Department of Media and Communication Studies Miss Riffat Alam aforementioned that in the context of GB, there is a dire need to provide awareness among public and particularly students about evil designs of extremist groups.
Various speakers spoke on different themes and talked deliberately on different notes. Seminar ended with the Concluding remarks of Vice Chancellor, Karakoram International University, who thanked all the guest speakers and appriciated role of Gilgit-Baltistan Police for their awarness campaigns and measures taken to eridicate terrorism.