
Tahir Hussain
From knowledge of history it is come to know that human societies are divided into two major categories: the adoptive societies and the innovative societies. Innovative people are thinkers and give birth of new ideas and inventions. On other hand, adoptive people are very resistive to new ideas and inventions, try to follow orthodox rituals, always deny new ideas and oppose modernization. With the passage of time, they not only adopt new ideas and inventions but also make it complementary for its own survival. The loudspeaker speaks very loud about adoptive people.
Behind every new invention and idea, there will be a motive. Someone’s motive may or may not be in interest of others. Adoptive people, although they adopt new inventions and ideas; always consider it a conspiracy against them. It is deprivation and for their own deprived condition they blame others. They do not know about their own way of thinking.
We have better knowledge about Donald Trump’s policies against Muslims, but we are not aware of our own policies. Who makes these policies? Where does it come from? Are these policy makers caring about our rights? It is deprivation and we are deprived because we are adoptive.
All of us encounter people who are used to praise doctrines of West, Arabs and Persians; but no one really do cares about our own. Print media, social media, and electronic media are designed to promote others doctrines. Debates are made, books are written by our man on success and failure of other nations, because we are orthodox adoptive. We all are stake holders of others interest.
So called desi liberals want to make this land Europe and show bright picture of Europe but it wouldn’t be, we will never be European. Islamists have their own Arabic and Persian dreams for our land. All civilized nations have their own history of rise and fall but we made invaders our historic heroes. We belong to this land and our history must be the history of this land. We belong to Indian civilization and must proud to be an Indian not Turks, Arabs, Afghans or English. Identity belongs to culture. Our land has most beautiful culture to follow, if we follow. We must have to progress for that we must know about our true history, we must follow our own culture; we must promote our own language. We need neoclassical ideology that safeguards our own identity and our own interest. We are adoptive but we have to be innovative.