Wall Chalking Menace in Gilgit-Baltistan

By Tariq Baig
Gilgit Baltistan being famous for its natural beauty has a great contribution to the economy of Pakistan in the field of tourism. Being the main hub of Pak China Economic Corridor, the area has been declared by several groups as one of the best tourism spots in the world. The responsibility for the region’s sustainability in terms of its natural environment is on the shoulders of its inhabitants and the Government departments.
Unfortunately, it has been observed in recent days that the menace of wall calking in the region is on the rise. Most of the people involved in wall-chalking are domestic tourists, coming in droves from mainland Pakistan. Also responsible for the mess are several government organizations, and some NGOs backed by the government. This is despite of the fact that wall-chalking is illegal in the region.
- Gilgit Baltistan Tourism Department must be active to define rules for local tourists and other organizations working in the area.
- The local people must play their role and be a responsible citizen to protect the environment from getting polluted through wall chalking.
- Wherever such chalking have been done with specific name, law enforcement agencies in GB must take action against those culprits and make them accountable.
- Mass awareness is the need against wall chalking. NGOs and Civil Society Organizations must act upon giving awareness to public.
- Public must cooperate with Government Organizations so that such acts could be minimized and condemned.
We, being a citizen of Pakistan, are responsible for making our area pollution free. This is the need of time to conserve nature from each aspect so that a healthy environment could be provided to the coming generations. If necessary action is not taken, then the future generations will be left with a mess, which might become unmanageable. Be a responsible citizen, and play your role.