Less than100 beds available for COVID-19 patients in Gilgit-Baltistan, positivity rate remains 10%

GILGIT: The Gilgit-Baltsitan government has urged the public to observe standard operating procedures (SOPs) to contain the spread of CoVID-19 infection rates.
In a statement shared by Imtiaz Ali Taj, the CM’s spokesperson, it has been revealed that the positivity rate has lingered around 10% during the last few weeks, thus creating shortage of beds in the region. The statement reads that there are no more than 100 beds available for CoVID-19 patients in hospitals managed by the GB Department of Health.
“Major reason behind the fast spread of infection is non-adherence and non-compliance with the SOPs”, Taj told Pamir Times, in a statement.
He urged the masses to take the situation seriously and follow the SOPs and get vaccinated as soon as possible.
76 more case were reported in Gilgit-Baltistan out of 705 people tested.