
The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat Pakistan/ AKDN and European Union partnered to Improve Responses & Increase Resilience to Disasters in Vulnerable Areas of Chitral

ISLAMAMABAD: The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) Pakistan, in partnership with the Aga Khan Foundation and the European Union (EU), launched a new project aimed at improving disaster response capabilities and increasing resilience in vulnerable areas of Chitral. The project, titled “Improving Responses & Increasing Resilience to Disasters in Vulnerable Areas of Chitral”, was introduced at an inception workshop for key stakeholders held today in Chitral. This inception event had representation from upper and lower district administration, community, media and AKDN agencies.

Through this joint project, the teams will enhance knowledge, strengthen government systems and improve capacity to anticipate and respond to disasters in Chitral and beyond. The initiative focuses on six selected villages—two in Lower Chitral and four in Upper Chitral—aiming to strengthen the resilience of local communities against climate-related shocks. The frequent occurrence of natural disasters in these regions, along with the constrained capacity and resources of existing systems, leaves remote rural households particularly vulnerable to climate-related risks. The repeated damage to infrastructure and assets, as well as the loss of lives, has led to an increase in displacement, threats to livelihoods, food insecurity, and rising poverty in the region.

To address these challenges, AKAH Pakistan, with the support of the EU, will implement integrated interventions to strengthen Government Response Agencies in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Disaster Preparedness (DP). A key component of the project will be the introduction of a cash disbursement mechanism aimed at enhancing shock-responsive social protection. Additionally, the project will pilot a Crisis Modifier (CM) to enable rapid responses in the event of a crisis, ensuring communities receive timely assistance, likewise developing white paper based on research and Early Warning System dashboard to enhance decision making.

“In his address, Mr. Mohsin Iqbal, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Lower Chitral, appreciated the idea of developing the dashboard, which will provide insightful data for users. He further added that, moving forward, the local administration will support the development of a Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) so that all organisations working in Chitral can access data from a single platform.”

In his speech, Mr. Haseebur Rehman Khalil, DC Upper Chitral, stated that the district administration will support the teams in project implementation and is happy to share its resources with AKAH/AKDN whenever needed, so that the local population can benefit.”

Mr. Ejaz Karim, Head of Emergency Management – AKAHP, emphasized the project’s importance and added, “this initiative demonstrates AKAH’s commitment towards collaborating with communities and local authourities to build resilience in the vulnerable areas. By enhancing disaster response mechanisms and providing innovative solutions, we aim to reduce the impact of natural disasters and improve community well-being in Chitral. AKAH is dedicated to finding sustainable solutions and completing this project within the set timeframe, with the support from the district administration. This project underscores the ongoing collaboration between AKAH, the Aga Khan Foundation, and the European Union to promote sustainable development and resilience in disaster-prone regions.”

The launch workshop provided a platform for government agencies, community representatives, and other stakeholders to engage, align efforts, and strategize for effective implementation.

AKAH, with financial support from the European Union’s humanitarian aid department, has strengthened disaster response mechanisms at community and government hospitals across Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral. This partnership has had a lasting impact, providing institutions like Rescue 1122 and government health departments with capacity-building opportunities and improving infrastructure to better handle emergencies in the region.

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