Gilgit - Baltistan

Dental Unit opened at Aga Khan Medical Center, Gilgit


 Dr Amir Lalani, Abdul Rauf, Dr Abid Hussain, Dr Nadir and Dr Sher Aziz addressing the opening ceremony

by Asghar Khan

Gilgit, May 4:A dental Unithas been opened at Aga Khan Medical Center Gilgit. The unit has been donated by Dr Amir Lalani, a Canadian citizen, hismself a dentist. Dr. Lalani has long relationship with Aga Khan University and Aga Khan Health Service Pakistan.

The opening ceremony attended by the Board Directors, Local AKHSP members and Paramedical staff of AKHSP. 

Guests and audience at the opening ceremony of Dental Unit

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  1. I would like to appreciate the generosity of Dr. Amir Lalani from Canada to establish dental unit at the Aga Khan Medical Center Gilgit. We hope this facility will facilitate the people of Northern Areas: Thanks Mr. Amir for your generosity.

    Furthermore, it is my humble request to the Board of directors AKHB and professionals of AKHB Pakistan and its affiliated regional and local set up in Northern area and Hunza to focus and consider tehsil Gojal, ( which is geographically the largest tehsil of Northern Areas Pakistan) for such kind of facilities.

    Upper Hunza (Gojal) starts from Afghan border Chupursun, Misgar Khunjrab and Shimshal from China border including many villages situated on KKH and off the KKH are divided in many pockets, are the remotest and most vulnerable for the basic facilities of life. However, in spite of many hurdles in their way; the hardworking and committed inhabitants of the area do their level best in every walk of life.

    Here, I would like to be specific, and highlight the existing medical facilities situation either available from Government side or from AKHS side.

    As, Gulmit is the headquarter of tehsil Gojal and government has established and completed the construction of 10 bed hospital but only a medical officer with a paramedical staff is sitting there and dealing only first add cases.

    On the other hand, in Gojal, the community has constructed Health Centers on self-help basis under the guidance and supervision of AKHB/AKHS with the collaboration of donor agencies in various clusters, such as Chupursun, Sost, Shimshal and Gulmit with high expectations to get facilities in their door steps or at least their nearest centers. Unfortunately, it did not materialize and only LHVs provide services in their limited capacities on those centers.

    Looking on the above mentioned oppressed situation what could be the alternatives? Yes, that is not much easy and bearable. Only in nutshell, you can read these few painful line;
    Those families, who have the capacities (afford or compelled to borrow) can travel to Aliabad, Gilgit, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Karachi or else where in Pakistan, particularly children, female, senior citizens and poor patients are more vulnerable to travel.. There is no existence of patient welfare organizations, who will lend hand to the poor and needy; as a result, they loss their precious lives even in minor and curable diseases.

    Some Suggestions to overcome on the said issues
    Suggestions for public representatives: (Member NALA Hunza, Member District Council Gojal, Chairman and Members of Union Councils from Gojal, including government official – all should put their efforts according to their capacity) should
    1. Ensure the provision/appointment of doctors, professionals and general staff for Gulmit- Gojal 10 bed hospital in his first and foremost priority.
    2. To establish another 10 bed hospital in Sost Gojal to facilitate the surrounding villages.
    3. To establish basic health unit or at least first aid post in those villages that still deprived of it.
    4. Any more can be added to this list

    Suggestions for AKHS (Honorary Set-up from National to Local level, including Professionals):
    1. To strengthen the existing health centers in terms of doctors and equipments
    2. To attract donors to establish a dental center/eye hospital/ at Gojal level.
    3. To educate and motivate communities for health care through seminars, medical camps, lectures etc.
    4. Any more can be done for the betterment of the people health.

    Note: Although, these points may be applicable to many parts of the Northern Area, but the focus of Gojal- upper Hunza is focused here, because of knowing the facts and figures personally.
    Thank you volunteers of Pamir Times New Blog, for sharing such news and offering opportunity to share the voices of the mountain people.
    Sharif Khan

  2. First of all I would like to thank Akber Lalani Sahab for his generosity towards the people of Giligt.
    The era in which we are in has many technological advancements and it has become very easy to carry out prenatal and post natal genetic testing to determine if there is any genetic mutation either numerical or structural.
    I think it is really unfortunate that still we don’t have the proper medical facilities to overcome the emerging and most common diseases that are very much persistent in our region.
    I would personally regard the services of AKHSP for its contributions to the northern areas. So far no effective applied research has been carried out to check for the prevalence of some serious genetic, bacterial and viral diseases in the region. We don’t have a diagnostic lab to check for any kind of diseases, their prevalence, onset, penetration level etc.
    The world of Medical Sciences has grown but unfortunately we are still away from the modern technology.
    In hospitals, labs of cytogenetics, labs of immunology, labs of hematology, labs of carcinogenesis, labs of microbiology, and many more are needed to ensure any kind of diagnostic testing but we the people of Gilgit are still deprived of all theses.
    I would like to suggest the representatives to work for it as are important and can reduce the mortality rate.
    Apart from what I mentioned it is also important to move towards the modern technology as is more accurate in results and less chances of discrepancies as the operation systems are all automated.
    I hope that the deprived people of the region will get benefit out of all the technological advancements if the representatives play their due role.
    I know that in Lahore many modern automated systems are operational and many testing procedures are carried out in a very short span of time with more accurate results.
    We need professionals and technicians to cope up the ongoing crisis in the region especially in the field of medicine.
    I hope that with the passage of time we would be able to install all the automated systems for a better outcome.
    Aslam Ghalib

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