
New Wakhi audio album, “Yod”, inaugrated

By Ali Ahmad

Gilgit, October 22: A new Wakhi musical audio album, titled “Yod” was released for sale today. Islamuddin of PPP and Salamat Jan of PML (N) participated in the release event, along with over three hundred other people.

The songs have been composed by Nazar karim Tanha, belonging to Chipursan valley. Saif Rumi and Ibadat Ali are the singers. The album is dedicated to Alam Jan, a social activist who passed away recently.

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  1. Do You guys know whats the original Kihk,Xikwor,Wakhi… Beat???

    Is that,Burushaski & Shinna,Doodang ,Surenai or Dammal??????

    OR the Pakistani and Bolly wood Beat?

    Do You know after releasing this Yod: songs, still the Wakhis of Gojal Pakistan do not know the reality.That we the Wakhi do not belong to the culture of Dooms from Burushuski & Shinna. Instruments.i.e. Dudang,Damal and Surynai….This 3 instruments does not belong to us.

    Ours the Wakhi beat and Wakhi Instruments are diffrent we belong to Badaksha.Pamir Culture our “Music beats” and instruments used for the so called songs.Yod etc and coming songs in future ones must see in the future if you are WAKHI please use the instruments used by our WAKHI brothers across the borders in Tajikstan and Afganstan,We must seriously look into this matters.As we belong to Gojal.We must deliver the culture and Heritage to our future Generations in more moderate manners.Its nice to present once culture and to perform and to keep it the same,But we must not forget that what we are delivering to our future Generatios.Wrong Message,We must not follow on the SHINNA & BURUSHASKI beats for God Sack,Ours Wakhi,mean the culture of WAKHIS.We are Independent,our Language,Culture I hope the musicians and Artist can elaborate more lines here towards our Original Wakhi Presention to the future Generations.

    Please Stop this DUMDAP Things ,its NOT OURS

    better bring in the Music of our Ancestors the Daaf.Sitor etc..of Afganistan and Tajikistan and .from Badakshan and Pamirs,

    Good Luck Wakhi Musics and Please find first the roots of WAKHI before bringing anything into the Markets.

    Note: We must not forget that we all have our duty to do,If today,PT gojal net has completed 2 yrs there must be some positive out put from that,not only sponsoring the PPP Govt and its chamchas on this sit, it would be very nice if PT can stay out of Politics becouse your site is almost showing the one side image of yours the political support for PPP Govt.Please avoid doing all this,
    I have suggestions for you better you be NEUTRAL.


    Best Wishers to The Wakhi Community

  2. DearWakhis and Wakhi culture loving People!
    The Wakhi culture with all its’ ideals and expressions is not coming from a vacuum. It took and gave to human heritage during the last thousands of years in the region of Amu civilisations now parts of Afghanistan, tajikistan Pakistan and other CA countries.. Kindly do not teach and preach Wakhi exclusivism rather that needs to be and in fact is an inclusive culture. One will beget hate and the other understanding and love among people and demands pluralism. Among the culture it lived are Kirghiz, Shighni, Kohwar and Brushaski to mention just a few of them. So we have contributed,from achitecture to music, to the cultures and benefited from, too. We need to preserve and promote the originals and the provisionals both. Culture is not like a mountain fixed rather like a river that moves and takes the colour of the soil/ land it passes through.This is the ground reality.

  3. I strongly appreciate the comments of Nasir Karim Bhai regarding cultural inclusion and NOT alienation. I think culture is fluid and should have the capacity to accomodate other colors hence bringing a sense of harmony whilst keeping an identity. Instruments and other forms of music will change over time as has happened with dress and other forms of life but still we have a culture and that basically means our VALUES. We sometimes take culture in FORM as opposed to ESSENCE. Let us take culture in a broader sense rather than narrowing it to certain objects.

  4. nice work done by Mr saif, ibadat and nazar. i really aprreciate their efforts.
    we all must appreciate the deeds and services of Mr Alam Jan (late) which he rendered for the community of hunza and specially for the community of gojal. as mr Alam jan (late) was working as a vice chairman for border pass in northern areas chamber of commerce, he served many people in the aspect of border passes and many other issues, and he was also rendering his duties as a PRO(public relation officer) in silk route dry port trust, and he contribed his tiredless efforts in rebuilding sost port. but i saw a dissapointing thing from the members of pamir times that no one concentrated towards the incident of his death and thas incident was not published on this site. instead of publishing the gossips and useless things according to their own intrest and favoritism i think pamir times should concentrate on such big issues.

    sartaj karim shaani

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