
Hunza hit hard by fuel and water shortage

Stranded passengers in Aliabad Hunza

Hunza, August 18: Commuters are facing problems in Hunza Valley due to fuel crisis and resultant increase in fares. Fuel is only available in the black market and being sold for over Rs 150 per liter.

The transporters are charging around rupees 500 between Aliabad and Gulmit. Government provided boats are not operational because of unavailabiltity of fuel but the private boat operators are able to commute people on higher charges. According to some sources fuel is being summugled from Sost from the CRBC and other contractors working on KKH.

Power supply from the Hassanabad hydral station has been disconnected for more than one week. All public and private offices are shut because of fuel shortage.

Owners of some diesel operated power generators have converted charging of cell phones into a profitable business, by getting rupees 20 for charging a mobile phone.

A famine like situation is being feared in the region if supply routes are not reopened soon. The shopkeepers are busy getting rich at the cost of general public. All price control mechanisms and regulations seemed to have been trashed by the shopkeepers. There are reports that food items are being smuggled out of Hunza to Gilgit district.

People in Aliabad and surrounding villages of central Hunza are forced to drink unhygenic water from irrigation channels due to the disruption of water supply mechanism as a result of floods and rains.

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One Comment

  1. I think when people are bad, they got bad leaders. Same with Pakistan, the most worst Govt is alive now a days and it is responsible for disasters in Pakistan.

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