[Youth] An Exchange Student Life in the United States
By Salman Abbas
For an Asian Student Particularly a Pakistani student from Gilgit-Baltistan, acquiring education in the United States is just like a nightmare. The reason varies from a bad reputation of our country to lot of factors which are absolutely a big discouragement for our fellow citizens in resulting hindrance to most of the deserving students to go and experience the system of Education in the US. I am lucky and got an opportunity to be part of the community college initiative program and currently pursuing my degree in the Hospitality Management in one of the Technical Colleges in the Midwest of the United States. Student life is said to be a best period for any person. There are many ways by which students can be successful in their student life. Many professors recommend that goal setting should be a regular mental exercise. This enhances chance for success in academic career. Success depends on numerous factors no matter which school or college they joined. The first important factor is to make a list of priorities. This may depend on the way of life students have or the one yet to be attained.
Unconsciously, you have already set priorities and lived them. This is the time students have to be aware and set definite goals. The next step is to set specific, measurable, and realistic long-term goals. It is not enough to realize that I want to do well in examination. It is the aim of all students. Students must understand what is good or what is great or what is satisfactory. They can start by thinking on a grade they want to achieve. They can do it by completing all assignments, attending all classes, finding a study partner, completing course readings on time, studying hard for the midterm and final exams. They must also set social, personal, and

academic goals. Some of the social ambitions may include getting along with roommate, becoming more culturally aware, and learning to feel more comfortable in social situations. This will boost up students mood and they will more concentrate on studies after some entertainment. Personal goals include, exercising, keeping a balanced diet, or saving money for a future purchase.
Apart from all this rhetoric I must say that life in the United States for a particular student who is on cultural exchange is simply a remarkable and an opportunity in one’s life to know about the world a lot. United States being a diverse country one knows a lot about the American communities. As a cultural exchange student I have been involved and visiting local schools, volunteering with the local communities, help assist helpless people in the shelter homes, and presenting a positive image of Pakistan to the local American communities is absolutely a great thing to do!
What I learn from the American’s is that they appreciate things, they welcome other cultures, and they have potential to listen and experience diverse cultures and are helpful in many ways. American People are Punctual, they are outspoken, and have a dream to become a successful human being in their lives. When we go to the see the class environment, it is simply fascinating with the professors/ instructors being forthcoming with students. They appreciate International students to speak, talk and present themselves and will concentrate on every student for his educational growth.
When I was in Pakistan, I was told that you will have cultural shock when you will go to US, Instead of being shocked culturally I was amazed to witness the best lifestyle they spend within themselves, everyone are punctual, hardworking, honest, and too much patriotic with their country. And unmatched instance of affability with every one, which unfortunately lacks in our country, the actual cultural shock for a student like me would be when I will go back to Pakistan, it will be really hard to organize myself. So I encourage all those students who have curiosity to learn about diverse cultures and how people set their goals to become a successful person are strongly suggested to experience the worth of Success in the United States.
The contributor is enrolled at Fox Valley Technical College Appleton, Wisconsin.
I am deeply inspired from your personal opinion salman bhai. This is something which should encourage our youth for a change. keep it up and good luck
Nazeer ullah
Good effort. we wish u success in ur future endeavours.
Best of Luck bro!
Good going Salman. Good luck
I am very imprasive about this article.
very fine article for the students who are interested to apply for scholarships abroad ,,,very well drafted article mate,,,,,,,best of luck cheers
Thank you for sharing your experience Salman. The exchange program is very beneficial to both countries because it allows all of us the opportunity to learn about one another as people without the influence of media and governments. My own view of Pakistan and its people has changed dramatically since I have become a mentor to students from Pakistan. You have done a very good job with your article and given many points that are important for students coming to America for study. I wish you much success in your time here with us.
Thank you every one for you kind feedback, I appreciate your valuable thoughts regarding my experience in the United States. And I would like to extend my gratitudes to Pamir Times for puting it on their blog.
Salman Abbas
Wisconsin USA
bravo brother! you have transcended in an axiomatic fashion by attaining the skills of eloquence and smart writings. i am so happy to see you flying day by day!
najeeb alam