Raxians lifts AKYSB Championship cup in Islamabad

Special Reporter
Islamabad: Raxians defeated Passu Students Association today to lift the trophy of a cricket tournament organized by AK Youth and Sports Board for Islamabad. A total of 22 teams from different parts of the region participated in the tournament played in the G-10 sector of Islamabad.
Playing first the Raxians put up an impressive total of 95 runs in the given 6 overs. PSA was able to score 62, losing the final match.
Always Stay as you are our, Gilgit Biltistan,
Salam from Salzburg Austria, for my entire Lovely and peaceful People of Gilgit Biltistan.
Today I feel proud and so happy to seeing all the efforts going on for the pace in the region through the , Political leaders, National Players, youth , our religion figures and lovely Childers, mothers, and sister I appreciate all your efforts what has been done and what is going on for the peace process.
Being far away from my country and specially GB I always missing and always thinking about, Always waiting for the good news and keep crossing my fingers for the best for GB . I really thankful to Primer times and other sources, that keeping us always update about the situation going on,
Coming to the peace process going in GB its great job and for future we have act like this. We have to bring GB in one of the peaceful city, for the we have to be one , we have to forget everything, we are Muslim. That’s it,
I would like to mention here the great contribution to save the GB for the Nagger Community, there is no words to say thanks for the community, they showed to the external hands, and the people who are disturbing peace in the region, that we are one nation there is no any conflict between us, we are peaceful people and we need in any cost peace in our region, we cannot be divided, we are one family and we will be one family forever.
Now there is so many thing we to do all together but before that I would like to request all my Gn Nation one thing which is important for the peace process, we have to work all together to know who were the terrorist who killed innocent People in Khohistan and Chilas , I request all the Chilasi community ,brin to the justices the terrorist who killed innocent people in Chilas and kohistan , I am requesting all Chilasi community through this plate form, please now it’s time for us to show our honesty and braveness to come over and anyone who knows about the terrorist or any source of information that our forces can track them and bring them in justice and that they can be punished ,and will be lesson for other people who are thinking to killing the innocent people in GB or disturb the peace in this region.
God bless all of us!!!!