350 community midwives deployed in Chitral district

CHITRAL: Some 530 community Midwives have been deployed under Maternal Newborn and Child health Program (MNCH) in Chitral district. Recently 102 Community Midwife (CMW) were trained at CMW school Danin and some 27 were deployed along with the other trained midwives.
In this connection a function was held at District Health Development Center district coordination Officer Chitral Rahmatullah Khan Wazir was chief guest on the occasion. Addressing at the ceremony Dr. Khial Afridi said that MNCH program have been launched to achieve its 5 target until 2015. To reduce mortality ratio in children below 5 years of age from 45 children in 100 , to reduce death rate among the newborn children from the ratio of 25 out of 1000, and to minimize the ratio of mortality of 40 among 1000 in children below from one year. Also to reduce mortality ratio from 140 among 100000 in mothers during delivery as well as to assure all deliveries by trained midwives and to motivate local community for preferring at health unit instead of homes. The speakers said that 102 CMW were trained and 27 were deployed among the trained women at different areas to render best service to local community. They were also provided Kits purchased by UNICEF worth 200000 each kit. They felicitated newly deployed CMW and urged upon them to perform their duty with great zeal and zest and honestly to overcome mortality ratio and to achieve the target. They said that MNCH have trained 1828 CMW in Khyber pahton Khwa and 530 were deployed at Chitral.
They said that women would be selected from Dir and Chitral of different union councils who will be trained in newly constructed Midwife school. Besides it a Labor suit also constructed at Garamchishma for facilitating local women of the area during their deliveries. They also requested DCO Chitral to urge on contractor and high up of C & W department for early completion of these two buildings and to hand over it to MNCH as soon as possible because they have been paid completely for this purpose. AT last Chief guest DCO Chitral distributed Kits among 27 community Midwife and emphasized on newly deployed CMW to work honestly and try of their best to render best services to needy and deserving people because supporting of needy people is also worship. Those who spoke on the occasion were Provincial Coordinator MNCH Program Dr. Khial Afridi, Provincial Monitoring officer Dr. Abid Hussain, Dr. Sangeen Khn, EDO Health Dr. Ibrahim Khan, Medical Superintendent Dr. Noorul Islam, public health specialist Dr. Israrullah , Dr. Miraj of AKHSP Chitral and DCO Chitral Rahmatullah Wazir. A large number of Midwives, Doctors and health professionals participated in the function.