Gojal: Health secretary visits potential site for 10-bed hospital in Sost

Our Correspondent
Sost, September 13: The Health Secretary of GB, Saad Sikandar, has visited a potential site in Sost town of Gojal Valley in upper Hunza region for construction of a 10-bed hospital.
He has also said that a medical camp will be shortly arranged in Gojal to facilitate the local population who have been facing immense difficulties in accessing health facilities.
The local people in Sost demanded of the Secretary to construct health facilities in the region, to ensure better services for the region.
The proposal for construction of the hospital has been hailed by the people of Gojal Valley. However, apprehensions have also been expressed by certain quarters because there is acute shortage of health professionals in the region.
The already existing 10-bed hospital in Gulmit, the Tehsil Headquarters, has failed to serve the people because of absence of doctors and paramedical staff.
It is pertinent to note that people of Gojal Valley have started demanding of the government to upgrade the administrative status of Gojal Valley to that of a sub-division , after establishing two Tehsils in the strategically located border region, home to above 30,000 people.
it is good initiative but important thing is ensuring trained doctors and essential medical equipments for serving to save lives,
Breeze of a good news. but only visiting the site doesn,t means problem is solved. People of upper Gojal need practical work on this project.
plus: need to deploy trained and qualified doctors, if failed to do so then it will surely reflect the sad story of the 10 beds hospital of Gulmit. A hospital with only one staff….
visits of the Health department officials to Gojal seems to cool down the temperature of the people showed during and after the visit of speaker. But not bad if they have intended to appoint a Doctor in Gulmit and construct a new Hospital at upper Gojal. we will wait for ten years.
it will be the same as Gulmit Tehsil hospital.