Letter: In search of Lilium polyphyllum

If it is at all possible I would be grateful to be able to contact someone interested in the present status and distribution in the region of the Hunza valley as to the species of Botanical Lily, i.e. Lilium polyphyllum believed to be still found growing wild in Nature in Hunza. The writer is researching all the species in this botanical Genus for the new book..namely “The Monograph of The Genus Lilium”.
I would be grateful for all and any information about where it might still be found and the possibility to acquire a few seeds in order to add this species to the International Conservation Collection of the Genus Lilium and its Allies for which I am responsible at our Garden here in the Highlands of Northern Scotland, UK.
We would be prepared to meet by prior agreement any reasonable costs incurred and the help of Pamir Times and individuals will be fully acknowledged within the new book at time of publication.
Contact: auchgourishgardens@falsyde.
Iain Brodie of Falsyde.
Auchgourish Botanic Garden.
Inverness-shire. PH24 3BP.
Scotland. UK.