3 billion allocated for education in Gilgit-Baltistan, fear of corruption casts shadow over reform hopes

Our Correspondent
Gilgit, October 17: The Gilgit-Baltistan government has allocated 3 billion rupees for educational development in the region. This includes a “Parha Likha Gilgit-Baltistan Programme”, which is to be completed at the cost of 150 million rupees, official sources informed.
The money will be spent for setting up of science laboratories, construction of the Skardu campus of KIU and construction of Benaizr Memorial Hall, according to the Annual Development Plan.
The GB Education Ministry in being described as a hub of corruption, where jobs of teachers are allegedly being sold at 300,000 rupees. Chief Minister, Education Minister , a director named Nasir and a shadowy official named “Kachu Fayaz” are continuously being accused of involvement in the “sale of jobs”. It is pertinent to note that the GB Education Minister had admitted that “ten percent irregularity” may have happened during the appointment of teachers.
In this scenario, people have expressed feared that the budgeted amount might be embezzled. People have demanded strict investigation into the allegations of fraud and corruption. The inactivitiy
Allocation of 3 billion for education purpose is a good sighn for the development of GB. But the question is its proper utilization in the interest of GB people and schools. In this time 10 lac is spent on a certain high school in a month and that schools give zero percent at the end of year. It means after spending one crore 20 lac out put is zero. I would never say who is wrong ,i would do say that what was wring. I had ellaborated formerly the main causes of this declination of results.
As scholar says, “Teacher effects etternity” If management starts hiring teachers illegally how any body expects to be a teacher fair and accountable in his teaching. All these things leads him towards declination of his behaviour and ultimately he plans to earn something which he or she has paid unlawfully to get job. If this is real situation how can we claim that we would made Pada Likha GB.
As far as building of Benazir memorial hall is concern Shaheed benazir ‘s soul would never be satisfied by building memorial halls, while in schools the students are without basic needs, i.e FFE, rooms, washrooms, subject teachers,Text books, refernce books, and boundary wall as well. Apart from this initiative should take to improve the SSC results through various innovative interventions.
We hope policy makers and competent authority of GB would ponder over theses things.
Ali mehr
Social activist