Gilgit - Baltistan

Gilgit: Two people killed, two injured, in separate incidents of violence

Our Correspondent 

Gilgit, December 18: Two people have been killed and two injured in separate separate  acts of violence.

PTAccording to details, a shopkeeper named Ayaz was shot dead this morning in Hospital Road area of Gilgit city at around 9:55am, by unidentified people.

Later, a public transport vehicle (Suzuki) was attacked in Amphary area, while coming from Baseen to Gilgit. One person was killed in the attacked while two sustained injuries.

The attackers remain unidentified.

The Gilgit-Baltistan region has been in the grip of violence throughout 2012. Several dozens of people have been killed in separate incidents targeting the residents of GB region.

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  1. hmm..what’s happening, we just don’t understand? Who is promoting violence? Why our authority do not take any action against violence? wHy violence is becoming common across GLT? It is really frustrating because violence is happening in GLT? Have we ever though of this, of course not, so then why is this so? We really need to fish out who is causing violence, so we wont suffer anymore..:(

    1. Gilgit city is going from bad to worst. What kind of law and order in GB? Is it going to be a gunda raj? Government is totally useless and nothing else, if they are not able to take a strict action against this then how they have right to handle the GB Government. Remove the security cover of families of Leaders, Govt. Officials and VIPs. Use them for public purpose.

  2. Finally This state is decending into anarrchy and choas. Terrorists are freely killing inocent people and there is no writ of state anywhere in the Country.

  3. If u Bow Down to the Mullas this will happen again and again,the root cause for all the trouble is clergy.

  4. Very Bad news, we are hearing the same from last two weeks. We have no tolerance, we kill each other’s in the name of religion, there is no Mosad, RAW or CIA agents here in GB, and we are the bad people killing our own people. Even our religious leaders motivate the youngster do the same. They talk about peace in front of public but behind the scene they motivate the youngster to kill the other religion people, they have a long list for target killing, and they have given responsibilities to a special group to accomplish the targets.

  5. It seems that the innocent ppls in gilgit are left over at the mercy of exteremists to take the lives anywhere-anytime by our so called CM,GOVERNOR,INTELLIGENCE & LAWENFORCEMENT AGENCIES.and. Our JUDICIARY suppose to be the savior of the lives & rights of the common ppl which enjoying its lucrative terms with the administration & Executive instead of make them responsible saving innocents lives.peace n prosperity comes in only through the gateway of justice.

  6. The land of paradise & heavenly nest of tourists now becomes the peaceful sarai for terrorists .Law & order situation is going to worse day by day in touristic city Gilgit.This all is going to happining due to bad governance.Terrorists have been openly challenged the werrit of the so called provincial govt & its authorties.

  7. Indeed it is time for considering a Waziristan type operation. Having that much weapons in a comparatively small city looks like future AFGHANISTAN in Pakistan.

  8. Shocking news for all well wishers of GB regardless of cast ,colour and religion. We are no more than that mentally retarded person who sets fire on his own house. Formerly we had requested to Aga Rahat and qazi Nisar sab to extend full cooperation with peace keepers from all sides Govt. and social sector. Please discourage and condemn publicly on this in human action of Killing of GBIANS to one another.Assign task to sub committees or social workers to help Government in overcoming the violence. CM sab and Govt administration is requested to specify the area for specific people to ensure accountability of community force and security force i.e from PDCN to CPO chowk the following types of people can be involved in peace keeping body.
    1. police officer
    2. Secuirity force personnel
    3. person from administration i.e AC or Tehsildar or any responsible staff of that muhallah
    4. Members of peace committee/ lumberdar
    5. Imam of mosques or members of relevant Masjid board
    6. heads of civil society organizations or their nominee
    7. Member of parlimanery board of relevant jurisdiction

    Such types of body can be formed and under taking can be taken from individuals to ensure fully support in peace keeping campaign.
    In such types of bodies there would be two categories of service providers 1. Voluntarily community force 2. Paid Govt personnels
    the prime responsibility lies with paid professionals and they can sought the help of volunteers mentioned above to control the situation in tension.
    If such types of bodies would meet frequently and sit together to share the pro active measures to overcome violence, the situation of tension can be reduced if not eradicated completely from certain muhallah.

    As it has been frequently mentioned by many well wishers of GB that no body has license or privilege to say good or bad to another sect
    as this relates to link of person with his lord or trying to change one ‘s belief by mounting pressure or through terror seems against the Islam and Quran. Our great Holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon him had changed the behaviour of arabians through his tolerance, forbearance, truthfulness, good deeds and honesty. That is why God Has remarked in Quran that We Sent him as Rehmatul -lil- Alimeen for whole world.

    Unfortunately we have forgotten the noble examples of our Serdar Unbeya and consequently going towards declination.

    All our well wishers of GB needs to be alert and put your share in maintaining peace in the region by extending your full cooperation with Govt. force and community force.

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