Sost: 1550 containers imported during the last 6 months, 810mn rupees collected in taxes

Sost is the border town of Pakistan located in Tehsil Gojal, Hunza.
Our Correspondent
Sost, January 7: The Pakistan Customs collected 81 Crore 35 lac (810.35 million) rupees in taxes at Sost, Gojal valley, during the last six month (July to December), official sources informed. 700 containers were imported by traders during the period, while goods in 250 containers were exported to China.
Chinese construction companies working on KKH expansion and realignment between the spillway of dammed Hunza River and Shishkat have imported 850 containers. These containers are tax exempt, the official said on condition of anonymity.
People engaged in the import and export business in the region have observed that the volume of trade has decreased significantly, as reflected in the amount of tax revenue. It is believed that around 3 billion rupees were being collected in tax annually at Sost before the damming of Hunza River, near Attabad.
The cost of trade has increased significantly because of the submergence of KKH and usage of boats as alternative means of transportation. The labor cost has also increased sharply, in addition to the risk of loss due to wear and tear, caused by loading and off-loading at multiple locations.