42 vacancies in Hunza-Nagar Excise & Taxation Dept declared null and void

Our Correspondent
Gilgit, January 29: Forty two newly created vacancies in the Hunza-Nagar Excise and Taxation department have been declared null and void and all the positions have been cancelled.
According to details, the GB Finance Secretary has asked Muhammad Ali Yogvi, Secretary for Excise and Taxation, who had joined hands with Muhammad Ali Akhtar GB Finance Minister to create the vacancies, to cancel all of them.
There was fear that the Finance Minister, who is himself involved in Chinese trade, would appoint his cronies and favorites in the department for future gains.
The GB Finance Minister is also being accused of appointing 22 people from his constituency without any test or interview on vacant positions created for the entire Hunza-Nagar district.
People in Hunza Valley and the second constituency of Nagar Valley, from where Mirza Hussain was elected MLA, have threatened to come on the roads if the allegedly illegal appointments were not cancelled.
The local people are demanding fair distribution of the jobs on the basis of merit, demand which is not going well with the corrupt ministers and their supporters.
The silence of GBLA Speaker Wazir Baig and MLA Mutabiat Shah in this regard is also being questioned by the people of Hunza Valley.
Our leaders must understand meaning of “LEADER” If they are leader of the region they should lead their region and provide the facilities to their people. It is the basic right of the Educated youth of Hunza to get employment according to their qualification and on merit bases. we strongly condemn the violation of merit in appointment and favoritism of some members from the District. we request to Mr. Wazir Baig speaker GB and MLA Mutabiat Shah leaders of Hunza Gojal to check the processes and give chance to the youth to get jobs as it is their right.
very said that the cancelletion of posts in the exices & tax dept. spacialy for the H/Nagar graduates coments by abbas qizil.
This type of leaders is threat for our area. Muhammad Ali Akhtar only thinks for his own benefit, by appointing his own persons his business will be secure. If this jobs will not provided according to merit bases then youth will turn toward violence. They also distreak from their education because of no any merit based jobs. Muhammad Ali Akhtar should not only see one side.
what we can do is to pray for miracle, I am sure and optimistic that the new and next political setup will definitely review and revisit previous appointments and will cancel all of them, this will happen one day
It is like a gang of rats guarding grain storage….