Causes of suicide discussed at session held by Ghizar Youth Congress

Gahkuch: Ghizar Youth Congress (GYC) conducted sessions in Gitch Village of Punial and Imit village, in Ishkomnan valley, to discuss the causes of suicides in the disrict and how to prevent them. These sessions were held in collaboration with the Women Development Directorate Gilgit-Baltistan and other local groups.
Two separate sessions were arranged on this occasion for 50 female students of age bracket (13years -22years) and 30 parents (both male and female). AKYSB Gupis-Yasin, Karamat Ali and Salma, Assistant Director of the woman’s development directorate conducted the session whereas the both male and female youth activists of GIYO and GYC facilitated them.
The participants were divided into different groups. Each group was asked to write down the reasons of suicide cases in the district and also give their recommendations for suicide prevention.
Two participants from each group, both in the parents sessions and girls session, were asked to come forward and present the causes thought to be behind suicides in Ghizar according to their group one by followed by the presentation for remedial measures.
The sessions are a part of research which GYC is facilitating Women Development Directorate, GB. 2nd session will be held in Gupis Tehsil on June 21, 2013, in Yasin on June 22nd, 2013 and in Ishkoman on June 23, 2013.
Further plan of activities regarding suicide prevention in the district will be chalked out upon completion of the session in light of the analysis of causes of the suicide and recommendation for its prevention.
Applaud able initiative, only these collaborative sessions can find out the reasons behind high rates of youth suicides and can help in tackling them on grassroots level.
Well step taken by GYC. These kind of session must be held throughout of GB to know the core stimuli which cause Suicide.
I think the role of Indian movies should not be undermined as the youth loves to fantasize their Indian ideals with great passion leading to a situation where rationality is overshadowed.